
<ブラジル・世界> 腐敗・サルモネラ汚染肉放置、衛生係官贈収賄スキャンダルで、中国・EUがブラジルからの食肉輸入を停止:世界最大の牛肉・鶏肉輸出国:BRFJBS社の21カ所の食肉処理工場、ミネルバ・マフリグ社は含まれず

China, EU Cut Imports of Brazil Meat Amid Scandal

21 March 2017

BRAZIL - China and the European Union curtailed meat imports from Brazil on Monday after police, in an anti-corruption probe criticized by the government as alarmist, accused inspectors in the world's biggest exporter of beef and poultry of taking bribes to allow sales of rotten and salmonella-tainted meats.

As the scandal deepened, Brazil's Agriculture Minister Blairo Maggi said the government had suspended exports from 21 meat processing units.

But he also criticized the investigation by Brazil's Federal Police into meatpacking companies, calling their findings "alarmist" and saying they used a few isolated incidents to tarnish an entire industry that maintains rigorous standards.

An all-out ban on Brazilian meat exports would be a "disaster," Mr Maggi added. "I pray, I hope, I work so that does not happen," he said, speaking to reporters outside his office in Brasilia.

With other import curbs expected to follow, the scandal stemming from a police operation codenamed "Weak Flesh" could deal a heavy blow to one of the few sectors of Latin America's largest economy that has thrived during a two-year recession.

Police on Friday named BRF SA and JBS SA , along with dozens of smaller rivals, in a two-year probe into how meatpackers allegedly paid off inspectors to overlook practices including processing rotten meat, shipping exports with traces of salmonella and simply not carrying out inspections of plants.

JBS is the world's largest meat producer and BRF the biggest poultry exporter.

The companies have denied any wrongdoing, and authorities have said no cases of death or illness have been linked to the tainted meat investigation.

New allegations of unsavory business practices in Brazil come as the country is still reeling from a massive graft scandal centered on state-controlled oil company Petrobras that is widening into other sectors.

Brazil's President Michel Temer has sought to downplay the meatpacking probe, saying it involved only 21 of Brazil's more than 4,800 meat processing units.

But Francisco Turra, head of Brazilian beef producers association ABPA, told reporters it had put the entire meat industry in jeopardy and "destroyed" a hard-won image of quality products.

China, which accounted for nearly one-third of the Brazilian meatpacking industry's $13.9 billion in exports last year, suspended imports of all meat products from Brazil as a precautionary measure.

The European Union suspended imports from four Brazilian meat processing facilities, ABPA said, citing the nation's agriculture ministry.

Ricardo Santin, ABPA's vice president of markets, said two of the suspended plants process poultry, one beef and the other horse meat. One of the poultry plants is operated by BRF, said Santin.

In a statement, BRF said the company has not received any formal notice from Brazilian or foreign authorities related to the suspension of its plants.

South Korea's agriculture ministry said in a statement that it would tighten inspections of imported Brazilian chicken meat and temporarily bar sales of chicken products by BRF.

More than 80 per cent of the 107,400 tons of chicken that South Korea imported last year came from Brazil, and BRF supplied almost half of that.

BRF shares slide

BRF closed down nearly 2.2 per cent Monday, while JBS ended the day up 0.75 per cent as investors bet the scandal would have less effect on the world's largest meatpacker.

BRF could prove more vulnerable to the scandal since a larger share of its operations are physically based in Brazil, while JBS derives most of its sales from abroad, according to a report by Goldman Sachs analysts led by Luca Cipiccia.

Shares of Minerva SA and Marfrig Global Foods SA, which are not involved in the investigations, also fell as traders fretted over the possibility of further import bans.

The scandal "could be enough to compromise temporarily Brazilian protein's acceptance worldwide," Credit Suisse Securities analyst Victor Saragiotto wrote in a Monday note to clients.

Chile is also temporarily banning imports of all Brazilian meat products, the agriculture ministry said on Monday.

The European Commission said the scandal would not affect negotiations between the European Union and South American bloc Mercosur about agreements on free trade.

On the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's second-largest city, the scandal left many consumers in doubt.

"My freezer at home is full of meat, and I don't know what to do," said Maria Fonseca, a saleswoman. "Should I eat it or just throw it all away?

"It is an enormous waste. If I lived in the countryside, I'd start raising my own cows and chickens!"

TheCattleSite News Desk





<イスラエル・ベラルーシ> ベラルーシからユダヤ教認可牛肉を輸入

Israel to Buy Belarusian Kosher Beef

15 March 2017

BELARUS - The Belarusian meatpacking company Koshelevo will sell kosher beef to Israel, according to the press service of the Gomel Oblast administration.

The Gomel Oblast administration's press service told BelTA that it is now possible to sell beef to Israel thanks to the implementation of the investment project to build Belarus' first kosher meatpacking factory. Koshelevo is a private company. It was commissioned a short time ago.

The meatpacking company Koshelevo has signed a contract with an Israeli company with many years of experience of importing kosher meat from Poland, Spain, and other countries. Gomel Oblast will be able to ship 24-28 tonnes of kosher meat per day.

According to Yelena Lyakhova, Director of the meatpacking company Koshelevo, exporting 100 per cent of the output was the idea as early as the project's preparation phase. The enterprise's plant and equipment have been modernized to make kosher meat products with a view to developing alternative target markets.

At present the enterprise uses modern automated meat deboning lines with the output capacity of 50 tonnes of meat per shift, refrigerators able to store 300 tonnes at a time, a slaughterhouse able to slaughter 200 head of cattle per shift.

All kinds of infrastructure a meatpacking enterprise needs are available. The first few animals were slaughtered and processed in the presence of religious representatives of Israel on 14 March. The meatpacking company Koshelevo was registered in January 2016. It is located in Buda-Koshelevo District, Gomel Oblast and employs 150 people.

TheCattleSite News Desk



<南ア> 副大統領が、更なる養鶏場の閉鎖・失業を食い止めると明言;ブラジル、米からの輸出攻勢は否定せず

SA Deputy President Vows to Save Poultry Sector

16 March 2017

SOUTH AFRICA - Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has vowed the government will not allow further job losses or farm closures as a result of dumping and uncompetitive practices that have battered the South African poultry industry.

However, Mr Ramaphosa said SA would not adopt a protectionist stance towards trade and diplomacy as this would leave the country worse off in tit-for-tat disputes with critical trade partners.

According to BusinessDay, Producers from countries including Brazil and the US have dumped chicken in SA which is sold at prices local producers are unable to compete with, leading to farm closures and job losses.

Replying to a question from National Council of Provinces member for the IFP, Mntomuhle Khawula, Mr Ramaphosa said the government had two task teams working on the matter to seek solutions and develop incentives for poultry producers to sustain jobs.

"The government will do everything in its power to ensure no factory closures or job losses in the poultry industry. We will employ trade measures to protect our industry from dumping and unfair trade practice. We will introduce support measures to ensure production and maintain security," said Mr Ramaphosa.

He said the two task teams addressing the matter were from the government and from business and labour.

Mr Khawula asked if the government had the backbone to stand up to larger economies which had bargained hard on the issue of chicken dumping, Mr Ramaphosa said negotiations SA had entered into with the US had saved SA from much worse than what it was enduring now.

"The task team is looking at the types of incentives for employers to save jobs that are currently being lost. We are well aware of the problems and will act as quickly as you are urging us to act. When it comes to Agoa [the African Growth and Opportunity Act], in terms of the chicken imports, [it] could have been worse than what we have now because the initial call was for a bigger tonnage to come in," said Mr Ramaphosa.

He warned against brinkmanship when negotiating with trade partners. He said "raising our walls" would cost the country trade arrangements that had been of immense benefit to the South African economy.

"A trade war could be launched against us. We could find ourselves losing much more than we actually have. Is that what we want? Some of you say yes, but a war is a terrible thing to get involved in because there is collateral damage all round," he said.

ThePoultrySite News Desk


UAE・豪> 増大するUAE向け豪産和牛肉の輸出

Japan’s Wagyu Exporters Seek to Double Premium Beef Shipments

27 February 2017

UAE - Wagyu beef is fast becoming the trendiest meat brand on restaurant menus in the UAE.

The beef comes from breeds of cattle native to Japan and is considered to be a national treasure – but the brand has now spread around the globe with Australia dominating the market.

The "caviar beef" is known for its marbling and tenderness. Premium cuts of the pure-bred cattle cost up to US$400 per kilogram.

The food and beverage boom in the UAE has led restaurants to search for newer and more specialist tastes.

"We saw our exports of Wagyu beef jump by 25 per cent to the UAE last year," said Edgar Francis, manager of Karim Overseas, a Sydney-based meat exporter. He said that food is faddish and suddenly Wagyu is fashionable.

"It was like a switch suddenly being turned on and the UAE suddenly understanding the worth of the meat. Wagyu has 12 grades with 12 being the highest. We have tried to sell the premium grades but the UAE isn’t interested generally, the marbling of the meat is seen as too fatty. We have seen the boom in the mid-market grades. It is still expensive compared with other herds but the UAE is willing to pay for high-profile brands."

The apparent willingness of UAE customers to buy the best has led the Japanese to target the country, selling pure Wagyu-Kobe beef.

Japan last year exported a relatively modest 14 tonnes of the beef to the UAE, which was a 15 per cent increase on 2015. Japan’s exporters have no commercial partnerships with the UAE’s supermarket chains, so its only visibility is in fine dining restaurants that specifically sell Japanese Wagyu.

"The sales to the UAE have huge potential," said Masaru Nishiura, the executive director for the Japan External Trade Organisation. "Our product is probably four times the price of other beef and probably twice the price of Australian Wagyu, but we have pure-bred Wagyu cattle that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The biggest Wagyu exporters are Australia, United States, Chile and the UK and none have pure-bred Wagyu. We expect to have doubled our exports to the UAE by 2019."

Source: TheNational





<アイルランド・サウジアラビア> サウジ向けアイルランド産ビーフ輸出を規制緩和

Enhanced Access for Irish Beef to Saudi Arabia Announced

27 February 2017

IRELAND & SAUDI ARABIA - An agreement on enhanced access for Irish beef to Saudi Arabia has been announced as a major Irish agri-food Trade Mission to the Gulf region continues.

The agreement will make a difference to Irish companies wishing to export beef to Saudi Arabia, by adding processed, cooked, minced and bone-in beef to the products that can be exported to Saudi Arabia

It follows high level discussions between Minister for Agriculture, Michael Creed and Prof Hisham Saad Aljadhey, the Executive President of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), which is the competent authority in Saudi Arabia for market access matters.

Speaking after the meeting, Minister Creed said, he was delighted to secure today’s agreement said it was a testament to the high regard in which Irish beef is held in the country and marks the culmination of intensive work by his Department, the Irish Embassy in Riyadh and the industry over recent months.

“Last year Ireland exported some €2.4 billion worth of beef to around 70 countries. I am very cognisant of the need both to expand the number of beef markets but also to enhance existing market access given our current exposure to the UK beef market.

“Minced, processed and cooked beef, are all potentially valuable products and we want to develop export opportunities for them, in addition to intact cuts of beef,” he said.

The Minister also discussed a number of technical certification issues of interest to the dairy and other sectors, and both sides agreed that the process for Irish sheep meat access should commence, and arrangements are being made to follow up on the necessary technical steps.

Last year Saudi Arabia was the third largest non-EU destination for Irish agri-food exports, only behind China and the USA. Total Agri food exports to Saudi Arabia increased from €92 million in 2013 to €136 million in 2016, representing an increase of almost 50 per cent over the course of only 3 years.

Source: Independent.ie



<エジプト> 1月だけで口蹄疫の感染例1,500

Over 1500 Egyptian Livestock Infected with FMD Since January

17 February 2017

EGYPT - An official report issued by the Ministry of Agriculture's General Authority for Veterinary Services revealed on Monday that the total number of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) infections among livestock since the first of January until 14 February amounted to 1,580 cases.

There were 156 recorded deaths, equal to 10 percent of the total number of infected animals, which are normal rates of infection and mortality, the report added.

FMD is a highly contagious viral epidemic that is transmitted through the air. It causes the death of livestock, especially young animals, and leads to huge economic losses, said the report, noting that the virus is most active in the winter season.

The report stressed the need to take precautionary measures through the prompt vaccination of animals to prevent the spread of disease, besides cleaning and purifying stockades on a regular basis and buying livestock from authentic suppliers.

The report also instructed precautionary measures such as immediately reporting to a vet any animals that are suspected to have contracted the virus and isolating the animal from other livestock.

The report called on authorities to tighten control on livestock traders to prevent the transfer of animals without permits, and to provide sanitary landfills for dead animals.

Source: Egypt Independent



<南ア> EU見解では、南アの食鳥問題は輸入のせいではなく、構造的な問題に起因

EU Says South Africa's Poultry Problems Caused by 'Structural Challenges', Not Imports

13 February 2017

SOUTH AFRICA - South Africa's Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Senzeni Zokwana recently met with the Ambassador for the EU Marcus Cornaro to discuss bilateral trade relations, amid increasing concern about the state of the poultry industry in South Africa.

The meeting took place in the context of the entry into force of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) EPA group in October 2016. A news release from the South African government said both parties acknowledged that 2016 marked a very good year with bilateral volumes of exports increasing on both sides, which are expected to increase further with the Agreement.

However, with regard to poultry, the meeting took place in the context of important job losses in the industry, public protests and massive media coverage.

The Ministers emphasised the importance of the poultry sector to rural development and the revitalisation of agriculture and the agri-food processing value-chain, and said they had already taken steps to address industry challenges.

The meeting recognised the crisis in the poultry industry as being complex and thus offered a platform to exchange views on the challenges faced by the industry which includes structural and competitiveness issues as well as increased imports.

The EU Ambassador underlined that the EU is of the view that the crisis is caused more by the structural challenges affecting the poultry sector rather than by EU imports.

The Ambassador also expressed the EU's support for the restructuring of the industry and recalled that exports of South African poultry to the EU are an opportunity which should be pursued. Both parties expressed good will to help facilitate market access and to enhance their cooperation on sanitary and phytosanitary issues (SPS).

The EU and South Africa said they are committed to engage in outreach activities, sectors analyses, the tackling trade barriers and the smoothening of trade flows to help business take full advantage of the Economic Partnership Agreement.

ThePoultrySite News Desk




<ウガンダ> 遅過ぎるワクチン接種に農家は苛立ち

Delayed Cattle Vaccination Irks Ugandan Farmers

08 February 2017

UGANDA - Livestock farmers in Sembabule District, whose cattle were attacked by tick borne disease, are frustrated by the delayed vaccination of their cattle against the disease.

Mr Moses Ninsiima, the chairperson of Sembabule Cattle Keepers’ Association, said farmers fear that the delayed vaccination exercise might result into more death of cattle and called for government is quick response to this threat.

“We were told that the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry had brought drugs and they were going to test the effectiveness, starting with Kiruhura District before rolling it out to other parts of the cattle corridor, but there is nothing going on,” he said in an interview yesterday.

However, Mr Ninsiima said when they met Minister Joy Kabatsi, during a recent function in Nyabitanga, Ntuusi Sub-county, they expected her to give them an update about the vaccination programme, but in vain.

“She started her hate speech against Sam Kuteesa (Foreign Affairs minister) ,which frustrated us,” Mr Ninsiima said.

When contacted, Ms Kabatsi was quick to say that she was just misunderstood by the residents, and that she only told them to stop mixing politics in the campaign against ticks.

“I just encouraged them to cooperate with my ministry to fight the problem regardless of their political beliefs, because some may not wish me well because they are strong supporters of my political opponents. I think when I warned them against mixing politics in development, they immediately thought I was hitting at Mr Kutesa, which was not the case,” Ms Kabatsi said in a telephone interview.

Source: DailyMonitor



<南ア> 鶏処理工場の閉鎖が続く中、政府が養鶏場を買上げ

South African Government Urged to Buy Up Poultry Farms Amid Closures

07 February 2017

SOUTH AFRICA - The government has raised tariffs on chicken, but people are still calling for more action on chicken imports, which they believe are harming South Africa's local poultry industry.

Many jobs are at risk due to farm or processing plant closures, and organisations such as the Food and Allied Workers' Union have been holding protests aiming to get the government to create more trade protection measures. They particularly blame EU countries, accusing them of 'dumping' cheap chicken in South Africa.

Secretary-general Gwede Mantashe, of the national executive committee of the leading political party ANC, said the government must intervene to prevent the job losses being experienced in the poultry industry, according to Business Report.

He proposed that the government should buy up poultry farms forced to close by the difficulties, and find new markets for the poultry produced. 

ThePoultrySite News Desk


<南ア> 政府が食鳥業界に助成策決定までの期間、工場閉鎖の抑制措置を懇願

South African Government Begs Poultry Industry to Prevent Plant Closures Until Support Measures Agreed

30 January 2017

SOUTH AFRICA – The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) says the task team set up to deal with challenges in the domestic poultry industry has made progress since its inception.

“The task team established by the South African government to deal with the crisis in the domestic poultry industry has secured significant progress across a number of work streams to develop a common response to the complex challenges facing the domestic industry,” the dti said on Friday.

Some poultry producers have announced major retrenchment plans amid concerns of the import rate of poultry products from other countries.

The dti said once the necessary technical work has been completed for the short-term interventions, the task team will submit for final ratification a set of short-term and shared interventions.

“These proposals will be submitted to the Ministers concerned and the broader leadership of business and labour involved in the poultry sector,” said the dti.

In the meantime, government has appealed to industry to do all it can to prevent any plant closures and retrenchments until such a time that support measures can be instituted.

ThePoultrySite News Desk



<ウガンダ> H5タイプの鳥フルが発生

Avian Flu Spreads to Uganda, Threatening Millions of Birds

19 January 2017

GLOBAL - Uganda is the latest African country to report a H5 type of avian influenza, according to the latest reports to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

The specific type of the virus has not yet been determined, so it is not yet known whether it is the H5N8 strain that has been causing problems all over Europe and recently spread to Nigeria.

Twenty cases in birds and seven deaths in the Masaka region of Uganda, dating from 2 January, were reported to the OIE in the past week, but 30,000 village birds were listed as susceptible. A further report described hundreds of cases in white-winged terns in Wasiko and Masaka.

However, comments from Uganda's Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries indicate the problem may be larger: "There are still continuous deaths of wild ducks and birds along the shores and islands of Lake Victoria in Masaka and Wakiso districts," the Ministry said.

"In Masaka alone, wild and domestic birds are dying at alarming numbers and in Lutembe wetland white-winged terns are the ones dying. This is already a big threat to over thirty million domestic poultry in Uganda which calls for an urgent response to control the spread of the disease from wild birds to domestic birds."

Neighbouring countries Kenya and Rwanda have reportedly banned imports of poultry productions from Uganda as a result.





<南ア・中国> 中国検疫局が南アからの牛肉輸入を検討

DAFF Meets China with Prospects of Exporting Beef

19 January 2017

SOUTH AFRICA & CHINA - The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) of the Republic of South Africa hosted a delegation from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) of The Peoples Republic of China to discuss cooperation in sanitary and phytosanitary matters and to further assess the possibility of exporting South African beef to China.

The Chinese delegation was hosted from 09 to 18 January 2017 by the Director-General of the DAFF, Mr Mike Mlengana.

Both parties agreed on mechanisms to strengthen the cooperation in sanitary and phytosanitary matters. Additionally, parties reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Entry and Exit Animal Inspection and Quarantine and discussed veterinary measures relating to the export of South African beef to China.

The reviewed MoU and the veterinary documents emanating from the discussions are to be subjected to legal consideration by both parties. The parties also facilitated the engagements between the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of the Republic of South Africa and the Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine (CAIQ).

The ARC and the CAIQ explored cooperation in the field of veterinary diagnostics and discussed the Memorandum of Understanding and Material Transfer Agreement between the two institutions.

The Chinese delegation also visited selected feedlots, abattoirs, and beef processing plants, cold stores and ports of entry to assess the South African beef production system.

The delegation, led by Deputy-Director General of AQSIQ, Mr Zhao Zenglian, expressed overall satisfaction about the South African beef production system but also cited further regulatory improvements to be implemented by the South African veterinary authority before further consideration of the South African request to export beef to China.

The Director-General of the DAFF, Mr Mlengana, in his response; thanked the Chinese delegation for the cordial discussions and for the invested efforts shown during their visit to South Africa.

He expressed satisfaction with the progress made during the discussions.

Moreover, Mr Mlengana committed to give attention to the regulatory issues raised by the Chinese delegation after consultation with the South African beef industry on the recommendations.

TheCattleSite News Desk



<ブラジル・南ア> 南アへの非加熱豚肉の輸出を再開

Brazil Resumes Fresh Pork Exports to South Africa

13 January 2017

BRAZIL - Brazil will resume exports of fresh pork to South Africa following the lifting of the ban South African Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF).

Since 2005, negotiations for reopening the market have been held between the two countries.

The ban was implemented due to outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in Brazil that year and only cuts intended for the sausage industry were accepted.

In 2014, shipments of pork to South Africa totaled $25,000. In 2015, shipments were $538,000 and last year $3.7 million.


ThePigSite News Desk



<オーマン> サウジ向け牛生体輸出の書類偽造を否定

Oman Denies Forging Documents Concerning Saudi Cattle Export

10 January 2017

OMAN - The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MoAF) has denied the report published in a Saudi newspaper (Al Yaum) regarding export of a cattle shipment from Oman.

According to the report, the shipment was rejected after officials found forged documents with the shipment. The shipment was exported on 1 December 2016.

Refuting the report, MoAF tweeted that it had exported a single shipment of 1,100 Somali cows on 1 December 2016 from Port Sultan Qaboos and that the shipment was exported as per norms.

It also said that documents stating issuance of the certificate of origin by the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a veterinary health certificate from the ministry and a customs declaration from the ROP were also furnished.

Source: MuscatDaily.com



<イラン> 政府が321日からの正月期間に備え、国内マーケット調整用に、赤肉(羊・牛肉)25,000トンと鶏肉50,000トンを備蓄

Govt Stocks Red Meat, Chicken for Norouz

09 January 2017

IRAN - Close to 25,000 tons of red meat and 50,000 tons of chicken have been stocked to adjust prices in the domestic market, says the CEO of Livestock Affairs Support Company, affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture.

“The reserved meat will be distributed in the market during the Norouz [the Iranian New Year] holidays and whenever demand goes up,” Alireza Vali was also quoted as saying by ILNA.

The upcoming Iranian New Year’s holidays start on 21 March 2017.

The official noted that more than 800,000 tons of red meat are domestically produced every year, adding that domestic demand stands at around 900,000 tons per annum.

“The 100,000-ton deficit is made up by imports, mainly from Brazil,” he said.

Iran’s per capita chicken consumption stands at 26 kilograms a year, which is 11 kilograms more than the global average, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Domestic chicken production stands at more than 2 million tons per year, which suffices domestic demand.

Source: Financial Tribune





<イスラエル> 動物福祉の観点から、農務省が牛生体空輸でのハンガリーからの現行輸入を停止

Agriculture Ministry Suspends Air Transports of Live Cattle to Israel

27 December 2016

ISRAEL - Due to concerns about animal welfare on a recent air transport of cattle from Hungary, the Agriculture Ministry has temporarily grounded all such live shipments to Israel.

The specific case in question involved a flight last Wednesday morning that left Hungary for Israel with about 1,200 calves on board. During the flight, an abnormal number of the calves died, according to the ministry.

As a result, officials decided to stop all air shipments of live animals to Israel until Veterinary Services and the ministry’s plant and animal control unit conclude their investigation into the matter.

In addition to the temporary shipment ban, the ministry said it would be reiterating relevant procedures of conduct to cattle importers.

“The issue of animal welfare is on our minds,” Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel said on Sunday.

“Agriculture Ministry procedures are stringent, and professionals in the ministry are working all the time to safeguard the welfare of animals.”

With hopes of decreasing the shipments of live calves and thereby minimizing the distress of animals, the ministry said it has increased the import volumes of already slaughtered meat products to Israel. The ministry has also authorized about 20 additional plants in Europe to export such meat to Israel and is working to increase the shelf life of chilled products imported from South America.

Source: The Jerusalem Post



<ウガンダ> ダニ由来の伝染病のワクチン接種が資金不足で大幅遅延

Cattle Vaccination to Delay Over Lack of Funds

27 December 2016

UGANDA - Livestock farmers, whose cattle were recently attacked by the tick borne disease will have to wait a little longer to have their animals vaccinated. Government says it lack funds to carry out the vaccination.

According to Ms Joy Kabatsi, the State minister in charge of Animal Husbandry, the Shs10 billion, which was budgeted to carry out vaccination of cattle and sensitisation of farmers has not been secured yet.

“We are still waiting for the funds and we expect to receive the money in January next year. I am hopeful that the exercise will kick off as soon as we receive the funds because the situation is worsening,” Ms Kabatsi told Daily Monitor in a telephone interview recently.

This comes weeks after livestock farmers in both Kiruhura and Sembabule districts expressed worry over the tick borne disease that is threatening to wipe out their herds of cattle.

Some farmers claim they have been using acaricides in spraying and dipping animals against ticks for the last five years, but they have become ineffective and resistant to the disease.

Source: Daily Monitor



<カメルーン> アフリカ豚熱対策で北部は豚肉不足

ASF Prevention Regulations Causing Pork Shortage in Northern Cameroon

23 December 2016

CAMEROON - The African Swine Fever (ASF) epidemic that began in mid-May 2016 continues to decimate livestock in some areas of Cameroon, writes Jean Armand Bokally Dande.

Since the end of March, people living in Adamaoua and northern parts of Cameroon have found it difficult to consume pork meat, according to the Government.

This situation arose following the discovery of an ASF outbreak in the subdivision of Mbé. As a result, the administrative authorities were forced to take measures to restrict the sales of pigmeat, a measure that is now affecting the entire region.

An operation was also carried out in July at the Zootechnic and Veterinary Center of the subdivision of Lagdo, in the locality of Katé, to destroy 108 pigs from Lagdo and Gouna, following the declaration of ASF in the region.

Since then, the health and veterinary authorities have decided to take all necessary measures to stop the disease. "For the moment, the effective solution is to slaughter. It is a very resistant virus. We have already made people aware of the consequences that this disease can cause, but many persist," said Dr Françoise Bouba Erayavai.

In order to reduce the spread of the disease throughout the northern part of the country there is a ban on the movement of pigs and pork from one region to another.

According to farmers, this ban on the sale of pork coming from the North to the southern regions of the country aims to kill the sector and force them to abandon their operations.

Sellers and pig breeders in the northern regions estimate losses in the pig industry within six months to more than ten million francs CFA.

The regional delegation of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries for Adamaoua, said little on the subject.

"What we know is that there is a ban on the sale of pork and especially on its slaughter. We are only applying the measure of our hierarchy…The veterinary control posts are there to enforce the regulations," explained the departmental delegate for Vina in Ngaoundere.

ThePigSite News Desk





<ハンガリー・イスラエル> 鳥フル発生状況

Hungary, Israel Report More Bird Flu Outbreaks

07 December 2016

GLOBAL - Israel and Hungary are the latest countries to report outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza on farms, with Hungary reporting over 20 farms affected.

The countries have suffered outbreaks of the H5N8 strain of the disease, which has been spreading widely through Europe in the past few weeks, killing both poultry and wild birds.

Hungary has reported 24 outbreaks in total in its most recent report, mainly in its southern central Bacs-Kiskun region. Most of the affected farms were duck and goose farms, although some were backyard operations. Over 10,000 birds died and another 38,000 birds had to be destroyed to prevent the disease spreading.

Hungary's report suggests contact with wild species, airborne spread, and fomites (humans, vehicles, feed, and so on) as the sources of the outbreaks.


In Israel, two turkey farms and one chicken breeder farm in Hadarom region have been affected. The country's report to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) said the farms are on the path of migrating birds flying from Europe to Africa, which is thought to be how the virus is spreading so far so quickly.

Israel has put quarantine and surveillance measures in place.

In addition to these outbreaks on farms, outbreaks have been reported in wild birds in Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark. Various species were affected, including one wild eagle in Sweden, which was found alive with neurological symptoms.



<仏・世界> 鳥フル猛威:仏でさらに6カ所、ポーランド、イラン、チュニジア、他のEU各国でも発生

Thousands of Birds Culled in France as Bird Flu Virus Spreads to More Countries

06 December 2016

GLOBAL - Birds on six more farms have been destroyed in France after the birds were identified as being connected with the initial outbreak farm.

The first outbreak of the H5N8 strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza in France was found last week, just one day before France was due to declare itself free from the disease after the devastating outbreaks of last winter.

Over 13,000 ducks were destroyed on the six farms, which were also in the south western fois gras-producing region that was heavily hit by the disease last year.

Two duck fattening farms were also confirmed as infected in Flevoland province in the Netherlands, resulting in the culling of over 23,000 birds.

In Poland, a goose farm in Lubuskie province has been hit by bird flu, the country's first outbreak of this type of flu on farms. Over 1000 birds were lost to the disease and over 600 more were destroyed to prevent it spreading.

In Iran, two more commercial layer farms have been infected, resulting in the deaths of 1148 birds and another 248,834 being destroyed. The new outbreaks were detected through surveillance measures, and an investigation is ongoing into the source of the outbreak to prevent it's spread. Over 500,000 birds at farms located in a three-kilometre radius around the affected farms have been slaughtered as a preemptive control measure.

Tunisia has reported its first outbreaks in wild birds in Ichkeul Natural Park (wetland). Tunisia is located in the main migratory corridor for wild birds going to Africa from Europe during winter migration. Access to the park was suspended and surveillance measures put in place.

More wild birds have been found dead from the disease in the Netherlands, Romania, Austria and Germany.




<南ア> マックが2025年までにケージフリー卵を採用−米、英、南米店に続き

McDonald's South Africa to Source Cage-Free Eggs

16 November 2016

SOUTH AFRICA - McDonald’s South Africa has announced plans to switch to 100 per cent cage-free eggs in its supply chain by 2025, similar to announcements by companies in the US, UK and Latin America.

In South Africa, most egg-laying hens are kept in battery cages.

McDonald’s SA Chief Executive Officer, Greg Solomon, stated: "We are pleased to announce, ahead of the 12 month timeframe we set for ourselves that we will fully transition to cage-free eggs in all our restaurants across South Africa by 2025.

"Starting in 2017, we will begin to phase in cage-free eggs at all of our restaurants. Our egg supplier has committed to providing us with quality, safe and consistent supply at more than 10 per cent per annum until all the eggs we purchase are cage-free by 2025. The move is testament to McDonald’s commitment towards sustainability and food innovations."

This policy follows dialogue with animal welfare organisation Humane Society International.

Tozie Zokufa, Africa programme manager for Humane Society International, stated: “McDonald’s decision to switch to exclusively cage-free eggs improves the landscape for farm animals across South Africa, and makes it clear that the future of egg production is cage-free. We look forward to working with more companies on similar policies."





<イスラエル> 養鶏場に鳥フルウィルスが蔓延

Bird Flu Virus Spreads to Israeli Poultry Farm

15 November 2016

GLOBAL - Multiple cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza strain H5N8 have been found across Europe in recent days, and a new report suggests that wild birds migrating from Europe to Africa have spread the virus to Israeli poultry.

A breeder farm in the Hazafon region of Israel was affected by the latest outbreak, causing death in 1500 birds. The farm was divided into four pens but only one, containing 5200 birds, was infected with the virus.

It was not clear from the country's report to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) whether all the flocks from all the pens would be depopulated, but control measures to be applied include surveillance, disinfection, quarantines and movement controls.

"The migration is ongoing and this virus strain probably arrived from Europe with migrating birds," the report said to the OIE said. "The farm is located in an aquaculture area with multiple fish ponds, attracting migrating birds."

In Hungary, which first reported the disease on a turkey farm last week, three duck farms and one farm with both geese and ducks have been confirmed as affected by the disease.

Two thousand birds died and over 60,000 more were destroyed to prevent the disease from spreading further. Hungary's report to the OIE named contact with wild species as the source of the outbreak.

Further wild birds infected with H5N8 have been found in Denmark. These included a single dead tufted duck found in a moat in central Copenhagen and ten dead tufted ducks found in a wetland area near the town of Stege.

Similar to instructions from the authorities in the Netherlands and Germany, commercial and backyard poultry keepers and zoos must now keep birds indoors as far as possible and follow increased biosecurity measures. All shows and other gatherings of birds and poultry in Denmark are prohibited with immediate notice.



<世界> 牛肉・鶏肉の生産量が増加の見通し:ブラジル・米がリード

Global Beef Production Expected to Rise

20 October 2016

US - The latest Daily Livestock Report, published by Steiner Consulting Group, continues with summaries and key points regarding global beef and boiler markets, as reported by the recent USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service’s (FAS) publication “Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade”.

Starting with beef, FAS forecasts global production to increase about 1 per cent in 2016 and another 1 per cent in 2017 to 61.3 million tons. This is on expanding supplies from the US and South America.

Australian beef production is expected to decrease the most, as rain in 2016 has incentivised producers to retain female cattle and expand the herd.

Exports by major traders are forecast to be up 3 per cent in 2017 to 9.7 million tons, on increased shipments to Asia. China remains the fastest growing beef market, helped by the reopening of its market to Argentina and Brazil. South Korea remains a strong importer, and Japan does also although to a lesser extent.

The FAS publication included a more detailed article on beef production in Australia, key points are summarised here, but it is a recommended read.

Reduced market competition from Australia due to their tightened cattle supplies is expected to continue in 2017 and will benefit US beef exports. The FAS report says herd recovery in Australia could take until the end of the decade.

The herd liquidation in Australia in 2014 and 2015, due to drought, occurred through increased cattle slaughter and increased live cattle exports. Cattle slaughter reached its peak in 2014 at 9.9 million head, the highest since the 1970s.

Live animal exports were a record 1.3 million head in both 2014 and 2015, and are mostly shipped to Indonesia, South East Asia, and the Middle East.

Some production comments regarding Australia reported about two thirds of Australian beef production is grass fed due to the cost advantage in grazing versus purchased feed. Grain fed cattle production in Australia has been increasing though due to Asian demand for grain fed beef.

For perspective though, in 2015 grain fed marketings in Australia totalled 2.9 million head, 30 per cent of their total cattle slaughter. In 2015, in the US, marketings of steers and heifers totalled 23 million head, 85 per cent of which were grain fed.

Moving on to comments regarding broiler meat, global production is forecast to increase 1 per cent to 90.4 million tons in 2017. Increases in production from the US, Brazil, India, and the EU offset declines in production from China.

Exports by major traders are forecast to be up 5 per cent to 11.4 million tons. Shipments from the top two suppliers (Brazil and the US) are expected to grow, but more so from Brazil due to access to the Chinese market and the weaker Brazilian currency, the real.






<世界> マイコプラズマ・ハイオニューモニエ抗原の制圧を改善する5段階の手法

Five Steps to Better Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae Control

14 October 2016

GLOBAL - Pig health is critical for maintaining animal welfare and ensuring a steady supply of safe and affordable pork. “Sustainable Health” is a series of articles about common health issues in today’s swine herds and options available for managing them sustainably, writes Lucina Galina, DVM, PhD.

For pig producers and veterinarians, the health and economic impact of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (MH) is clear. In the US, enzootic pneumonia caused by MH is considered one of the “big three” respiratory diseases in swine, following porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome (PRRS) and influenza.

Economic losses due to reduced growth, poor feed efficiency and extended time to market can significantly hurt the producer’s bottom line. Recent estimates indicate that the cost of uncomplicated MH infections in large production systems is more than $1.00 per pig and $10 in MH-positive sites co-infected with influenza and PRRS virus.

Often less clear, however, is how to manage this costly and persistent pathogen. Overall, disease control has improved in recent years, thanks to the production of MH- and PRRSv-negative breeding stock, the adoption of segregated systems — in which pigs of a similar age are raised and moved together — and the development of strategic treatment and vaccination protocols.

The challenge is that differences in the MH health status of incoming breeding stock and sows at the recipient farm can have a negative impact on health — with costly consequences.

MH-control challenges

For example, when MH-negative gilts are introduced in MH-positive systems without proper acclimation, subclinical or clinical disease can develop, increasing vertical transmission from dam to piglet. Higher rates of vertical transmission mean more pigs colonized at weaning, which is the greatest predictor of clinical disease in the finishing herd.

We have also learned that pigs that have been exposed to MH can continue shedding for up to 250 days. Controlling shedding in a population is the most challenging aspect of disease control since there are currently no reliable methods of ensuring uniform exposure of all animals in a population. Additionally, facilities that allow for a long enough “cool-down” period to discontinue shedding are rarely available.

Vaccination, medication and proper all-in, all-out movement of pigs are therefore necessary but insufficient for preventing colonization. Successful MH control must begin with acclimating gilts, as part of a comprehensive plan that includes multiple strategies.

Five steps

To help veterinarians and producers get a better handle on MH control, my Zoetis colleagues and I teamed up with eight experts from animal health, academia, diagnostics, swine veterinary practice and a breeding-stock company to review the latest knowledge and best practices for managing MH.

The outcome is a 60-page manual, titled “A Contemporary Review of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Control Strategies,” which outlines a systematic, five-step approach for managing MH in today’s segregated production systems:

1. Establish current herd status of MH on the farm and set appropriate goals.

A breeding-herd classification allows veterinarians to determine a baseline and set appropriate goals. For example, a positive, unstable herd is likely to require a more aggressive control strategy than a positive, stable herd. The use of a common classification language should also improve communication between stakeholders, including veterinarians, producers, diagnosticians and breeding-stock companies. A summary of the four MH categories for breeding herds is shown in Figure 1.


Most swine herds fall within one of the herd categories outlined in the table above, but their responses to challenges may not always be black and white. The most critical guideline is the percentage of pigs colonized at weaning. This criterion clearly differentiates positive, unstable herds from positive, stable ones.

2. Leverage diagnostic techniques that reveal your current status.

The appropriate diagnostic approach for your farm will depend on which question needs to be answered. The question could be whether MH is present in the population, or whether MH is causing disease. These are two different questions that call for different diagnostic approaches.

Detailed diagnostic requirements for health-status categories, shown in Figure 2, take into account the expected prevalence of MH in the population, as well as the sensitivity of the sampling technique and diagnostic tests. Testing should be repeated, regardless of which diagnostic method is used.


3. Understand and manage risk factors that influence disease transmission at all stages of production.

Many factors influence MH transmission. Some important risk factors include location of infected facilities within a 9 km (5.6 mi) radius, lack of isolation and acclimation facilities, lack of gilt exposure programs, introduction of replacement breeding stock with different health status, insufficient time for gilts to discontinue shedding, high proportion of at-risk females, poor lactation management, poor pig management and lack of vaccination.

Adequate biosecurity is critical to mitigate or eliminate these risk factors. Some biosecurity risks include transmission via fomites, equipment and transport; lack of cleaning, disinfection and drying of facilities; lack of all-in, all-out movement in the farrowing room; and the presence of concurrent diseases.

Understanding risk factors helps determine the most realistic and sustainable control strategy. For example, trying to achieve a negative status using disease elimination may not be suitable in an unstable herd that has a high risk of re-infection due to its location. Disease control could be achieved by moving to a healthier status such as stable herd.

4. Consider control measures, including maintaining a negative herd, vaccination, medication and disease elimination.

If your herd is negative, the best strategy is to keep it that way. If your herd is positive, control can be achieved by minimizing disease with vaccination or medication or by eliminating MH. Vaccination and medication alone — without being part of a disease-elimination strategy — can be expected to reduce clinical signs, shedding and economic losses but not to eliminate the organism from the population. Vaccination of weaned pigs is unlikely to result in full disease control in finishers if the sow farm is unstable.

Medication can be used for control, treatment or disease elimination. For successful disease elimination, gilts should be acclimated to stabilize the sow herd. Then, the breeding herd will go through exposure and recovery phases, during which all pigs must be exposed to MH and be confirmed positive before strategic medication, disinfection and vaccination.

All these steps should be carried out with proper timing and orchestration. The goal is to eliminate MH shedding from mother to piglet and reduce the number of positive piglets at weaning.

5. Monitor the efficacy of interventions.

Control interventions should be monitored every 6 to 12 months to determine if the herd status has been maintained (Figure 3). There are multiple sampling procedures and diagnostic tests for monitoring MH infection, colonization and disease progress.

Choice of procedure depends on several factors, including infection, clinical signs, disease prevalence, pig age, sampling technique, diagnostic test sensitivity and time to develop antibody response. Most important is to be certain of the current status of the population; the herd must meet the diagnostic criteria shown in Figure 2 to properly determine the correct classification.


For a free download of “A Contemporary Review of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Control Strategies,” click here.

Taken from Voice of Sustainable Pork. 





<世界> 限られた生産に対する需要増加が世界の食肉価格を下支え

Rising Demand, Limited Production Supporting Global Meat Prices

13 October 2016

GLOBAL - Lower prices for staple grains were more than offset by rising sugar and dairy prices in this month's Food Price Index from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 170.9 points in September, up 2.9 per cent from August and 10 per cent from a year earlier.

The increase was driven by a 13.8 per cent monthly jump in the FAO Dairy Price Index, partly as a result of a sharp jump in butter prices benefiting exporters in the EU, where dairy output is declining.

Whilst sugar and palm oil prices rose, the FAO Meat Price Index was unchanged from August.

The FAO Cereal Price Index slipped 1.9 per cent from the previous month and is 8.9 per cent below its year-earlier level.

FAO said as part of its Food Outlook that cereal prices are drifting lower on the backs of the expected hefty supply. Wheat and maize futures on the Chicago Board of Trade have both dropped more than 16 per cent since the start of the year.

Soybeans and other oilcrops could reach an all-time production high this year, thanks to record US yields, although demand is expected to grow even faster.

Global food markets are expected to remain "generally well balanced" in the year ahead, FAO said. Dairy markets are also expected to return to general balance in 2016 after a long period of excess supply.

Stagnant world meat output in 2016, twinned with rising international demand for pigmeat and poultry, especially from East Asian markets, continues to lend support to meat prices, the organisation said.

Global fish production, meanwhile, is forecast to expand by a below-trend 1.8 per cent this year to 174 million tonnes, as aquaculture output is expected to expand by 5 per cent and wild-caught fish output to decline by 0.9 per cent, due in part to El Nino's impact on Pacific sardines, anchovetas and squid.



<イスラエル・ブラジル> ブラジルからの牛精液輸入を解禁

Israel Opens Market to Brazilian Beef Semen

07 October 2016

BRAZIL - The Israeli government has now opened its market to frozen bovine semen from Brazil.

The market opening is the result of negotiations between the Brazilian agriculture ministry and the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture.


<トルコ> 鶏舎屋根修理中の火災で21,000羽が焼死

Turkish Fire Kills Thousands of Chickens

05 October 2016

TURKEY - A fire that broke out in the roof of a poultry farm during repair work has killed 21,000 chickens in Turkey's northwestern province of Kocaeli.

The fire broke out after a welder's spark ignited insulation material, according to reports from Doğan News Agency reported in regional news website Hurriyet Daily News.



<南ア> アフリカ豚熱が新たに5件発生

More ASF Reported in South African Pigs

06 October 2016

SOUTH AFRICA - Five new outbreaks have been reported on South African pig farms.

In total, of the 795 pigs susceptible, 77 cases were reported.




<南ア> 政府が鶏肉の塩漬率の上限を15%に設定―業界に影響は?

Will South African Brining Regulations Hurt the Poultry Industry?

27 September 2016

SOUTH AFRICA - South African poultry producers have recently lost an appeal against Government’s plan to cap the brining of chicken portions at 15 per cent starting from 22 October this year. Kevin Lovell, CEO of the South African Poultry Association (SAPA), said the ruling will deal a devastating blow to the South African poultry industry, which is already struggling to make ends meet, writes Glenneis Kriel.

“Brining levels for individual portions and poultry products in South Africa varies between 25 and 30 per cent, with brining constituting about 19 per cent of the price per kilogram meat sold.

"The industry has therefore argued that a brining level of 20 to 25 per cent would have a less significant impact on producer earnings, than Governments proposed 15 percent,” Mr Lovell said.

He explained that producers were already struggling to make ends meet due to the drought that has caused feed prices to sky-rocket. This has also made it more difficult for South African producers to compete with subsidised imported products.

“Government has based its decision to cap the brining levels at 15 per cent on ‘false advice’. We foresee that it will exacerbate the difficult conditions that farmers are already facing, resulting in extensive job losses,” Mr Lovell said.

David Wolpert, CEO of the Association of Meat Importers and Exporters in South Africa, however welcomed the ruling, saying it would result in consumers getting more meat, instead of water, for their buck: “The brining of poultry has been banned completely in many countries and in those that haven’t phased it out, the accepted levels are much lower than what the South African Government is introducing.”

He added that it was mostly the big producing companies that were in favour of higher levels of brining, as the smaller companies realise that it would make it easier for them to compete against the big companies.

According to Mr Wolpert, the 15 per cent cap might not have as drastic economic impact on production as suggested by Mr Lovell. He suggested that producers could reduce the economic impact of the change by selling meat in smaller packs.

Mr Lovell however countered that the price of imported and locally produced poultry pieces were relatively the same per kilogram. “Consumers are not going to buy the smaller South African packs if they can get bigger imported products for the same price,” he said.

Mr Wolpert disagreed, claiming that imported meat was still significantly more expensive than locally produced meat and that there would still be a good price difference if the industry followed his advice.

The poultry industry also lost its appeal to have the date at which the regulations come into effect postponed. Government had notified the industry of its plans to cap brining levels by 22 October in April this year.

Achmat Brinkhuys, chairperson of SAPA, said that they have heard rumours that Government had given one of the bigger companies grace until February to comply with the new regulations: “We were hoping that the court would rule in favour of the postponement of the date to allow the industry to get rid of all the meat on the shelves that doesn’t comply with the new regulations.”

Mr Brinkhuys said that the industry will now study the ruling of the court and decide whether it should take the case any further. The industry will also aim to move closer to Government in future to gain a better understanding of the way Government is thinking, while making Government more aware of the unique opportunities and difficulties facing the South African poultry industry.





<タンザニア> 今年末までに露のチェルキゾボ社からハラル鶏肉500トンを輸入;他のアフリカ諸国は欧州、米から輸入

African Poultry Wrap: Tanzania Opens Up for Russian Imports

26 September 2016

AFRICA - More and more African countries are opening up their poultry markets to imports from Europe and the United States, growing evidence of constrained poultry production capacity on the continent.

Tanzania is the latest African country to allow imports of halal poultry products from Russian producer, Cherkizovo.

The Russian meat producer also produces other meat products and has a poultry farm in the Lipetsk region in Russia. This month it shipped the first batch of dozens of tonnes of halal poultry into Tanzania and has earmarked to increase its halal poultry shipments to the African country to 500 tonnes before the end of 2016.

The Russian company has roped in Zanchick as a distribution partner for halal poultry products in Tanzania and it says it is seeking to score and capitalise on the Tanzanian company’s extensive network in East Africa region.

"Zanchik is one of the largest distributors of poultry meat, including premium halal meat, in east Africa and has an extensive distribution network in Zanzibar, enabling it to control the entire supply chain of frozen products," Cherkizovo said.

The Russian company’s head of exports, Andrei Terekhin said that although the firm’s “first shipments to Tanzania are relatively small in volume, the launch of exports to Tanzania marks another milestone in our journey to expand sales of our products international” and added that his company was anticipating “high demand for our halal products” such as poultry.

Experts say poultry demand in most African countries is tripping supply, hence international companies and producers are seeking to capitalise the supply chain gaps in the continent. Billionaire businessman, Bill Gates has reportedly pledged as many as 100,000 chickens to boost poultry production in Sub Saharan Africa, which faces food deficiencies.

African countries such as Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe are projected to see a rise in demand for poultry products in the near future. However, several producers in most of these markets are unable to capitalise on this as they are facing electricity and water shortages, according to industry sources.

In Zambia, which has also been affected by this year’s drought conditions, increasing hours of load shedding is dimming prospects for the poultry industry.

This is a problem that has also become common in neighbouring Zimbabwe, where the country is having to cut power supplies as it has a supply deficit while it is also in arrears in electricity payments and could have its additional power imported from South Africa and Mozambique cut.

Rhodnie Sisala, chairman of the Zambia Poultry Association, said “loss of electricity clearly disrupts poultry operations. We can’t pump water, we can’t give the birds the adequate lighting that they require to feed because they need more than daylight in order to grow at the optimum rate and also to give us the required number of eggs.”

In Zimbabwe, the poultry producers’ organisation said economic problems in the country such as cash shortages, delays in salary payments for government workers and competition from cheaply priced beef precipitated by de-stocking owing to drought conditions were the contributing factors to a less rosy poultry industry.

“The reduced demand is likely to continue exerting pressure on the industry for the rest of the year. Production is being reduced in response to the declining demand and already, there are signs that producers are de-stocking and reducing point-of-lay placements,” Solomon Zawe, chairman of the Zimbabwe Poultry Association said in an update on the industry.

In West Africa, the Nigerian Customs Service has just said it has destroyed as many as 200 cartons of frozen poultry products that had been imported into the country.

The seized and destroyed frozen poultry products had been exported from Benin, also in West Africa. Nigeria is eager to boost its poultry industry which is recovering from outbreaks of avian bird flu in the past few months.

“The imported frozen poultry products have a duty of N320,000 and duty paid value of N1,920,000. The items were seized on Tuesday along Benin-Ekaidolor Expressway,” said Madu Abubakar, Sector Commander of the Customs Controller General’s Compliance team for Zone C.



<サウジ> 鶏肉の国内生産量増加し、輸入量が減少

Saudi Arabia's Poultry Imports to Decline Amid Increasing Local Production

20 September 2016

SAUDI ARABIA - Saudi Arabia's total domestic broiler meat production in 2017 is forecast to increase by 4.4 per cent compared to the estimated production in 2016, according to the latest report from the US Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service.

The main reason for the modest broiler production increases this year and in 2017 is the ongoing production expansion undertaken by the three largest Saudi poultry producers, Al-Watania, Fakieh and Almarai poultry farms.

Saudi Arabia’s imports of broiler meat are expected to decline slightly due to increased Brazilian export prices in the second half of this year and the anticipated increase in the local broiler meat production.

Brazil has remained the dominant supplier of broiler meat to Saudi Arabia for over two decades. In 2015, Brazilian chicken exports to the Kingdom reached 82 per cent of total Saudi broiler meat imports, followed by France with 15 per cent market share, and the US and Argentina each with 1 per cent.

Meanwhile on the export side, FAS predicted that Saudi broiler meat exports for 2016 and 2017 will remain unchanged at 40,000 MT due to higher local demand, and the $533 per MT export tax that the government levies as reimbursement for the various subsides that local broiler meat producers receive from the Saudi government. The export tax makes Saudi broiler meat less competitive abroad compared to other suppliers.



<トルコ> 来年は鶏肉産業が活発化

Export Market Improvements to Boost Turkey's Poultry Industry Next Year

13 September 2016

TURKEY - Turkish poultry production is expected to stagnate in 2016 because of export difficulties within the region and is expected to slightly increase in 2017, according to the latest report from the US Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).

In 2016, broiler production is expected to remain stable at 1.9 million metric tons (it was 1,909,276 metric tons in 2015) since poultry sector has been struggling with export problems to the main markets of Turkey, particularly Iraq.

However, broiler production is forecast to grow by 5 per cent in 2017 to nearly 2 million metric tons because of improving relationships with neighbouring countries, especially with Russia, assuming no additional avian influenza outbreaks occur. 

Turkish poultry exports peaked in 2014 and declined in 2015 after the avian flu outbreaks in some regions of Turkey, FAS said, and exports were also affected by a decrease in global demand and reduced transportation caused by turmoil in neighbouring countries.

Turkey’s Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MinFAL) is attempting to open new and previously closed foreign markets, which should also benefit the industry.

Domestic consumption of broiler meat in 2016 and 2017 is projected to increase since consumers are preferring broilers instead of beef due the high beef prices.

In the feed markets, the report said that Turkey produced 20 million MT of compound feed in 2015 which included the use of 9 million MT imported feed raw material. Soybean is the main imported raw material. Turkey produced only 160 thousand MT soybeans in 2015 while 2.7 million MT soy and soybean meal were imported.  



<世界> ケータリング最大手のコンパスグループが2025年までにケージフリー卵に切換え

Food Service Giant Compass Group Joins Cage-Free Egg Trend

15 September 2016

GLOBAL - International contract caterer Compass Group PLC has announced a global commitment to go cage-free for all its shell and liquid egg supplies by 2025.

Nicki Crayfourd, Director of Health, Safety and Environment for Compass Group explained: “Improving the welfare of farm animals is a key focus for our business and we've supported the sourcing of cage free eggs since 2009.

"This commitment marks the next step in our responsible sourcing journey and we look forward to continuing to work with partners such as Compassion in World Farming, Humane Society International and The Humane League who provide invaluable support and guidance."

In the US, Compass had already made the commitment to source eggs from higher welfare systems.

Philip Lymbery, CEO of animal welfare group Compassion in World Farming, said: “I am delighted that Compass has become one of the leading businesses in the cage-free movement. I hope that their commitment to go cage-free globally on all liquid and shell eggs by 2025 will be a catalyst for others to follow their example.

“I couldn’t be more proud of the work of our Food Business team, who continually engage with leading food companies to create positive change for farm animals on a global scale. The phenomenal market shift towards cage-free production we are witnessing this year is exactly what this work aims to achieve.”

Animal welfare organisations said they will continue to work with Compass and the food industry at large to ensure the hens have a good quality of life in rich and stimulating environments.

The use of conventional battery cages for laying hens is banned or being phased out under laws or regulations throughout the EU, five US states, New Zealand and Bhutan, according to Humane Society International. The majority of states in India, which is the world’s third largest egg producer, have declared that the use of battery cages violates the country’s animal welfare legislation, and the country is debating a national ban.



<世界> FAOが中国対象の口蹄疫緊急対策講座を開催:完全オンライで4週間のコース

FAO to Host Online China-Focused FMD Emergency Preparation Course

15 September 2016

CHINA - An online training course is being organised by EuFMD on Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Emergency Preparation over a period of 4 weeks, starting on 21 September 2016.

EuFMD, one of FAO’s oldest Commissions, was established in 1954 to coordinate FMD control within Europe at a time when the disease was ravaging the continent.

The course has been planned in coordination with the LinkTADs project, an EC-funded, FAO-lead research consortium that aims to coordinate research on transboundary animal diseases and zoonoses (both epidemiology and laboratory aspects) between the European Union and China.

The course is designed for veterinarians or those involved in the livestock industry who would be involved in diagnosing and investigating an outbreak of FMD.

It is studied entirely online, and will take approximately 10 hours to complete over a 4-week period. The course will have a focus on China, covering the following topics:

·                 FMD aetiology and pathogenesis

·                 Clinical diagnosis, lesion ageing

·                 FMD epidemiology, outbreak investigation

·                 Biosecurity

The course opens with a live interactive webinar, where trainees meet their trainers, and are introduced to the course, and to FMD.

Trainees then study four interactive online modules, which include numerous photographs, videos and self-test questions. During the course, EuFMD expert trainers are available through a discussion forum to answer questions from the trainees, and to lead interactive discussions.

Towards the end of the course there is a second live interactive webinar, to discuss interesting topics raised during the training in more detail. At the end of the course all trainees must complete a comprehensive assessment. Successful trainees are given a certificate, and records of completion are sent.

For more information email: eufmd-training@fao.org



<世界・中国> 中国の鶏肉生産は今年5%、来年10-15%減少見通し→世界的に価格上昇へ

Historic Chinese Poultry Supply Downturn to Strengthen World Markets

15 September 2016

GLOBAL - The global poultry industry is on the road to recovery following recent supply reductions in the US and Brazil, expected lower feed prices and, most importantly, because of the historic market downturn in the Chinese poultry industry, according to Rabobank’s Global Poultry Quarterly for Q3 2016.

China’s production is expected to be down by 5 per cent this year, and by 10 per cent to 15 per cent next year, positively affecting global market conditions.

“This brings a welcome improvement in global conditions after a relatively weak first half of the year,” according to Animal Protein Senior Analyst Nan-Dirk Mulder.

“Market conditions will be more bullish in the coming months - especially in China, Brazil, the US and India - while the EU and Indonesia will maintain their relatively good performance. Russia’s market conditions are gradually improving thanks to limited supply growth, better economic conditions and fast-growing exports.”

There has been a big market change from the first months of this year, when global markets were flooded by supply as a result of the avian influenza outbreaks in 2015.

Brazil has gained significant market share in global trade, as it took over some of the US markets that were (partly) blocked due to regional and national restrictions. The return of the US in global trade during the last months has led to a very competitive global market environment, with falling prices and a lack of profitability.

Companies from Brazil faced an extra challenge because of a weak domestic market - due to the economic situation with increasing feed prices. This really squeezed margins.

US companies have been challenged by increasing supply from other meat proteins, which makes the US market more competitive.

The industries in both regions have made wise decisions to reduce supply growth through lower placements - and this is already paying off, with better prices in domestic and international markets. As these countries are the world’s leading chicken exporters, it also helps international market conditions, where prices in the second half of 2016 are expected to rise gradually.



<アイルランド・トルコ> トルコ向け牛生体輸出に意欲:トルコ昨年は南アから38万頭、仏から12万頭輸入

Irish Farmers Welcome First Live Cattle Exports to Turkey

13 September 2016

IRELAND - Irish Farmers' Association (IFA) President Joe Healy has said the first shipment of live cattle to Turkey is expected to depart early next week.

He described this as a very positive development for the livestock sector and comes after a long hard campaign by IFA to open the Turkish market.

He said there is great potential in the Turkish live export market and he is hopeful that this shipment will be followed by many future shipments.

The IFA President said Turkey is a major opportunity for the Irish livestock sector and has an import requirement for up to 400,000 head of live cattle annually. In 2015 Turkey imported 380,000 head of cattle, the majority from South America and up to 120,000 from France.

Mr Healy added: “A strong live trade is essential to maximising competition.”





<イスラエル> ニューカッスル病で国内生産者が混乱

Newcastle Disease Disrupts Poultry Producers in Israel

09 September 2016

ISRAEL - An outbreak of Newcastle disease has killed 20 birds in the Hamerkaz province of Israel.

Another 80 birds were destroyed to prevent the outbreak from spreading. The outbreak is thought to result from illegal movement of animals, and it is being fought through vaccination and disinfection.

Israel has been reporting outbreaks of Newcastle disease for some time, but the numbers of outbreaks seem to have slowed recently, with only this one outbreak reported in August, compared with five in July, five in June and ten in May.




<南ア> RCLフード社、輸入過多状況で鶏肉の採算が悪化

South African Chicken Business Says Imports Causing Oversupply

01 September 2016

SOUTH AFRICA – South African food company RCL Foods has posted a decrease in earnings from its chicken business in the past year, and blames the result on oversupply of chicken in the market.

RCL Foods’ Chicken business unit delivered an EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation) down 62 per cent on the comparable period last year, despite gains in the company’s Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) share.

The company blamed the market crisis on ‘massive oversupply’, caused by surplus domestic volumes and what it called ‘dumped imports’.

South Africa negotiated an agreement with the US last year that involved tariff-free quotas of key agricultural products such as chicken from the US, in return for preferential trade rules under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

RCL Foods said it supports the renewal of this trade agreement for reasons of national interest even though it is detrimental to the poultry industry.

The 65,000-ton quota, relative to the total annual poultry consumption in South Africa, is not substantial, yet it is a further source of supply in an extremely oversupplied market. The company said it is changing its business model to cope with these market conditions.

RCL Foods said it is working with others in the industry to try and reduce imports from other areas, such as by pushing for a 37 per cent import tariff on European Union bone-in chicken products.

The company added that it supports new South African rules limiting the injection of brine into poultry products, saying that: "excessive injection levels by the larger manufacturers has compromised the integrity of South African chicken and the poultry industry."



<世界> ラテンアメリカ最大のレストラン・チェーンのアルシーが2025年までにケージフリー卵に切換え:メキシコ、南米、スペインでチェーン展開

Latin American Restaurant Chain Alsea Switches to Cage-Free Eggs

30 August 2016

GLOBAL - Alsea, the largest restaurant operator in Latin America, announced it will switch to a 100 per cent cage-free eggs throughout its entire supply chain in Mexico, Latin America and Spain by 2025.

Alsea operates Burger King, Domino’s, Starbucks, VIPs, Chili’s, California Pizza Kitchen, PF Chang’s, El Porton, Foster’s Hollywood, Pei Wei, Italianni’s and Cheesecake Factory.

This policy applies to the three thousand units that Alsea operates in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Spain.

The chain made the decision after working with animal welfare organisation Humane Society International.

Alfonso Tinoco, director of Responsible Consumption at Alsea, stated: “Today’s announcement proves that Alsea is committed to farm animal welfare, which is increasingly important to our customers. We are convinced that collaboration with different key players will make a difference to improve animal wellness."

Most egg-laying hens in Mexico are housed in battery cages, but a growing number of companies in Mexico have pledged to switch to a cage-free supply chain, including Grupo Toks, Sodexo, Eurest, Subway, Grupo Bimbo, and Unilever, joining more than 200 companies that have done so already in the United States.



<世界> ようやく豚肉輸出価格が上昇

Global Pork Prices Starting to Pick Up

22 August 2016

GLOBAL - Having reached their lowest point for many years earlier in 2016, global pork export prices have started to pick up more recently.

Although not perfect, export prices give a good indication of how farmgate prices will have developed on a global basis.

Having started the year at a fraction over US$2.30 per kg, the average value of pork traded from the four major global exporters (EU, US, Canada and Brazil) reached $2.52 in June. This was the highest level since last October but was still 12 cents below June 2015.


Some tightening of supplies has been seen across the major exporting countries, contributing to the rise in prices, although this is not reflected in the amount of pork traded, which has been at record levels during the last three months.

So far this year, 2.77 million tonnes of pork has been shipped by the four exporters, 29 per cent more than in the first half of 2015.

More recent reports show that, as in the EU, prices in the US, Canada and Brazil had all moved above year earlier levels by July. North American prices reached their highest level since the end of the PEDv price peak in 2014, although they have eased back in the last few weeks as supplies are reported to have increased.





<世界> モンゴル、ザンビアで口蹄疫発生

Foot and Mouth Reports: Mongolia, Zimbabwe Hit by Disease

19 August 2016

GLOBAL - Few outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease have been reported in recent months, but Zimbabwe and Mongolia are the countries that have reported the disease, in cattle and goats.

Zimbabwe was affected most recently, with twelve outbreaks found in July. Most of these outbreaks were in cattle of varying age groups sharing the same grazing and watering points, but one of the outbreaks affected goats. There were 559 cases in cattle and 24 in goats.

The outbreaks occurred in the Midlands and Matabeleland North regions, in villages where vaccinations were not carried out due to lack of funds.

The country's report to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) said that prolonged quarantine orders are resulting in illegal cattle movement as farmers move cattle for various socio-economic reasons. Roadblocks manned with police and veterinary personnel are in place to control movement of livestock as well as farmer education campaigns.

Weekly inspections are currently on-going, and other control measures include surveillance outside the quarantine area.

Zimbabwe also suffered an outbreak in cattle in June in Matabeleland South. There were 17 cases in a herd of 1600 cattle.


Mongolia's outbreak affected 43 cattle on a farm in the Govi-Sumber region. Three animals died as a result of the outbreak. Quarantine, movement controls and screening are all being used to control the disease.




<世界> マックがネット上で抗生物質の過剰使用の攻撃ターゲットに

McDonald's Under Pressure Over Antibiotics Use

12 August 2016

GLOBAL - Fast food company McDonald's has been targeted by an online campaign aiming to halt the 'excessive use' of antibiotics in its supply chain.

Charity ShareAction, which is working towards responsible investment practices worldwide, called on consumers to email McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook about antibiotics using their online form.

The problem of resistance by pathogens to antimicrobial drugs is currently causing grave concern, and ShareAction blamed resistance development on overuse of these medicines in animal agriculture.

The charity said that whilst some progress has been made in McDonald's US poultry supply chain, "investors are increasingly worried about double standards between beef, pork and poultry". McDonald's USA recently completed a pledge to stop using antibiotics important to human medicine in its poultry supply chain seven months early.

In its suggested email to the McDonald's CEO, ShareAction singled out preventative use of antibiotics as a key concern, suggesting that McDonald's should set timelines to phase out the use of medically important antibiotics for this purpose across its entire meat and dairy global supply chain.

McDonald's policy on antibiotic stewardship states: "We recognise the importance of continuing to evolve our position on antimicrobial use."



<世界> 価格低下が鶏肉輸入需要を刺激

Low Prices Stimulate Poultry Meat Import Demand as Trade Forecast to Rise

04 August 2016

GLOBAL - Modest growth is foreseen for poultry meat production in 2016, with output forecast to rise by 1.1 per cent to 116.2 million tonnes, according to the latest Food Outlook report from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations.

Substantial expansion is anticipated in the US and Brazil, as well as greater production in the EU, India, the Russian Federation, Argentina, Mexico and Canada – along with most other countries.

Rising demand and sustained low feed costs have provided the basis for increased output. At the same time, China may experience a production fall, provisionally estimated at 5 per cent, due to lacklustre consumer demand.

Trade prohibitions on countries with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have also hindered the sector’s growth in China by curtailing access to replacement broiler breeding stock.

In the US, the principal producer, outbreaks of HPAI dampened the sector’s expansion in 2015. The reappearance of the disease in a single area of Indiana in January 2016 rekindled concern, with the affected part of the State not being declared disease free until the beginning of May.

Trade in poultry meat in 2016 is expected to increase by 3.5 per cent to 12.7 million tonnes. Since reaching a peak in mid-2014, poultry prices have declined steadily. For example, in May 2016, they were 16 per cent below their level of a year earlier.

Prevailing low international prices and rising domestic consumption have been important factors in stimulating import demand in a number of markets including Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Japan, Viet Nam, Cuba and the United Arab Emirates.





<ガーナ> H5N1発生が広がる

Bird Flu H5N1 Strain Continues to Spread in Ghana

09 August 2016

GHANA - Three new outbreaks of H5N1 strain highly pathogenic avian influenza have been reported in Ghana.

The outbreaks were from July, but have only recently been reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

Two of the outbreaks were in Greater Accra, and one was in the Central region. All of the outbreaks affected backyard birds, mainly layers of different ages but also some exotic birds.

There were over one thousand deaths and a further thousand birds were destroyed to prevent the disease spreading.

In a speech at the end of July, Ghana's Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture Hannah Bissiw praised the poultry industry for its resilience, and especially poultry farmers that are working hard to keep the disease out.

"As a country, we need to work together to stop the introduction and spread of the disease," local news website GhanaWeb reported her as saying.




<南ア> ダチョウにローパソ鳥フルがまた発生

More Low Path Bird Flu in South African Ostriches

08 August 2016

SOUTH AFRICA - Two more outbreaks of low pathogenic avian influenza have been found in Eastern Cape Province in South Africa.

There were 10 cases out of a susceptible flock of 658 commercial ostriches.

The source of the outbreak is unknown but it was an H5N2 strain of the virus.

Movement controls, screening and quarantine measures are being used to prevent the disease spreading.




<コートジボアール> ハイパソ鳥フルがさらに10件発生

Markets Hit by More Bird Flu in Cote D'Ivoire

03 August 2016

COTE D'IVOIRE - Ten new outbreaks of H5N1 strain highly pathogenic avian influenza have been found in Cote D'Ivoire.

The outbreaks were found in markets, farms and backyard premises in Abidjan, Bouake and Agnebilekrou.

The market outbreaks were discovered through targeted surveillance, following previous outbreaks.

The sources of the outbreaks are unknown, but is thought to be related to the introduction of new live animals.

Over 25,000 birds were destroyed to prevent the disease spreading, on top of over 4000 bird deaths caused directly by the disease.
