
<台湾> 台北でH5亜種の鳥フルが発生

Bird Flu Hits Taipei Poultry Market

10 May 2017

TAIWAN - A poultry market in Taipei was to be the source of an outbreak of the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus, the city's animal protection office said Monday.

The market culled 304 chickens and suspended operation for 24 hours so that the premises could be disinfected, after birds suspected to be carrying the virus were found in five batches of chickens transported to the market Sunday.

The birds were confirmed to have the virus Monday, although the exact strain has yet to be determined.

The infected birds were from four farms in Kaohsiung, Miaoli, Pingtung and Yunlin, the office added.

ThePoultrySite News Desk



<中国> チベットで初のH7N9鳥フルの人への感染、中央部でも2

Tibet Reports First H7N9 Case; Two Cases in Central China

11 April 2017

CHINA - A human infection of H7N9 bird flu has been reported in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, the local health authority said Saturday.

The patient, a 41-year-old migrant worker from neighboring Sichuan Province, was diagnosed on April 3 and is in quarantine at Tibet's Third People's Hospital in Lhasa, the regional health and family planning commission said on its website.

The man had been involved in the trade of live poultry since arriving in Lhasa in February.

His symptoms were reported to the regional disease prevention and control center on April 2, and his condition was confirmed on 3 April. He is the first human infection of H7N9 bird flu in Tibet.

Following the diagnosis, live poultry trading has been suspended across the region. All those who had been in close contact with the patient are under medical observation.

H7N9 is a bird flu strain first reported to have infected humans in China in March 2013. Infections are most likely to strike in winter and spring.

Meanwhile, two new cases of H7N9 infection were also reported from 31 March to 6 April in central China's Hunan Province, health authorities said Saturday.

Live poultry trading has been suspended in the provincial capital Changsha since 17 March, which will last until the end of April.

Nationwide, 79 people died in January from the virus, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

H7N9 is a bird flu strain first reported to have infected humans in China in March 2013. Infections are most likely occur in winter and spring.

Disease control and prevention experts have said that the H7N9 virus is not transmitted from person to person.

Experts recommend that people avoid contact with dead and live poultry, and only buy poultry with quarantine certificates.

ThePoultrySite News Desk





<米・タイ> タイ向け牛肉輸出アクセスが拡大:屠畜日41日以降から対象

US Beef Gains Expanded Access to Thailand

11 April 2017

THAILAND - Bone-in and boneless beef from cattle of any age are now eligible for Thailand, as long as the slaughter date is on or after 1 April 2017.

For product derived from cattle slaughtered on or after this date, all USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Export Verification (EV) Programme requirements have been removed.

“Thailand enforced its boneless conditions with exceptional rigor,” explained Joel Haggard, USMEF senior vice president for the Asia Pacific.

“We can remember entire shipments of premium items being rejected based on the finding of a single millimeter-long chip.

"That’s hopefully behind us now, with the new rules allowing boneless and bone-in cuts.

"Although it is likely to remain a relatively small market for US beef, more exporters will now be interested in serving Thailand, where there are a number of foodservice and retail operations that want to feature American beef.”

Exporters should note that beef offal and offal products remain ineligible for Thailand, and USMEF is seeking clarification on which items (for example, skirts and diaphragms) will be classified as offal by Thailand’s Department of Livestock Development. 

For cattle slaughtered before 1 April, the boneless-only requirement is still in effect, as are all other EV Programme requirements.

TheCattleSite News Desk



<中国・ニュージーランド> 両国が4月下旬にFTA交渉の深化を合意

China, NZ Agree to Start Talks on Upgrading FTA in Late April

27 March 2017

CHINA & NEW ZEALAND - China and New Zealand agreed to start talks on upgrading a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) in late April.

The consensus was reached during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's ongoing visit to New Zealand, which puts upgrading the FTA that took effect in 2008 high on agenda.

At a joint press conference after talks with New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English, Mr Li said upgrading the FTA will promote the development of bilateral economic and trade ties and better benefit the two peoples.

Negotiations will touch on investment, service trade, quarantine of animals and plants, economy and technology, e-commerce, and competition policies, according to Chinese Ambassador to New Zealand Wang Lutong.

"The China-New Zealand FTA is one of the highest-standard signed between China and developed countries. Both countries have established long-term good trade relations, with bilateral trade growth outpacing our economic growth," Mr Li said.

Mr Li also called on the two countries to jointly protect open economy and free trade as well as regional stability and global peace.

As one-third of New Zealand's dairy products are exported to China, English said the dairy products and any other products going to China will be of the quality Chinese consumers would expect to be.

Under the FTA, a wide range of products, typically health-related products are much sought after by Chinese consumers, English said, adding that New Zealand will work with the Chinese authorities in food safety to ensure all the New Zealand products exported to China meet the standards required.

China and New Zealand signed a series of cooperation documents on Monday, including an action plan for cooperation on climate change, granting new access for New Zealand chilled beef and meat to the Chinese market and deepening cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative.

Mr Li arrived in Wellington on Sunday for an official visit to New Zealand after wrapping up his Australia tour.

TheCattleSite News Desk



<香港> コフコ社の2016年の純利益が530%に急増:中国本土の豚頭数減少と豚肉価格の高騰で輸入急増

COFCO Meat's Profit Surges

28 March 2017

HONG KONG - The annual net profit of Hong Kong-listed COFCO Meat Holdings Ltd jumped by 530.8 per cent year-on-year to 950 million yuan ($138.18 million) in 2016, thanks to the decline in China's population of sows and the rising price of hogs, the company announced on Monday.

COFCO Meat, a subsidiary of China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corpthe country's biggest food trader by sales revenuesaid an improvement in hog production efficiency helped lower costs and production volumes rose by 540,000 heads year-on-year.

Ma Jianping, chairman of COFCO Meat, said the company planned to raise annual hog production capacity from 3.5 million at the end of 2016 to 5.5 million in 2020.

"In late 2016, China's sow stocks remained at its lowest level in the past eight years while hog stocks were also at a low level, which should provide strong support for hog prices in 2017," Ma said.

Food consumption is usually the main indicator of an economy and the size of its population.

In China, meat consumption is rising and people are eating a broader variety of meat. Meat products have become more sophisticated and consumers now look more for healthy and convenient food.

COFCO Meat's businesses include feed production, hog production, abattoirs, and the production, distribution and sale of fresh pork and processed meat products.

It also includes the import and sale of frozen meat products, comprising pork, beef, poultry, mutton and lamb.

The company currently operates 47 pig farms, two slaughterhouses and two meat processing facilities in six provinces throughout the country.

Sales volumes of the company's meat import business performed strongly in 2016, with the unit's profit coming at 79.2 million yuan.

"As for the upstream business, we have expanded procurement channels in different countries to satisfy market demand and balanced procurement costs in 2016," said Xu Jianong, managing director of COFCO Meat.

"As Chinese consumers' incomes continue to rise, this sectormeat or animal proteinwill be perform strongly," said Ding Lixin, an analyst at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing.

"This is one of the reasons we see a lot of investment by both Chinese and international companies in all of these areas."

ThePigSite News Desk



<ベトナム> 鳥フル発生拡大で、殺処分前の屠鳥・販売が増加

Poultry Sale, Slaughter Raise Avian Flu Fears

27 March 2017

VIET NAM - Tonnes of poultry are illegally traded and slaughtered daily in Hà Nội’s markets raising public concern over the spread of avian influenza in the capital.

According to Viet Nam News, the Animal Health Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said despite avian flu has not been so far recorded in the city, there was a risk of infection, especially when outbreaks were reported in neighbouring provinces of Nam Định and Bắc Ninh.

Moreover, the department said that between 1 and 7 per cent of healthy poultry carry the A/H5N1 and A/H5N6 virus. Temporary markets were one of the places prone to spread of the virus.

Bùi Đắc Hải, deputy head of the Station for Animal Health in Chương Mỹ District, said the slaughtering in the markets certainly did not effectively prevent the spread of epidemic.

The station has regularly inspected poultry sellers and reminded them of the risk of disease outbreaks. However, he said, it was necessary to get help from the city’s authorised agencies to make the supervision effective.

At Thạch Bích temporary market on National Highway 21B in Thanh Oai District, some 10 households sell live poultry and some even slaughter the fowl on the spot to serve customer requests.

A poultry seller identified only as Thanh spoke to Kinh tế và Đô thị (Economics and Urban) newspaper, saying that although the demand for ducks and chicken has dropped due to concern over avian flu, which has appeared in other parts of Việt Nam, she could sell about 50 chickens and ducks per day.

"I mainly buy and resell chickens, ducks sold in wholesale markets, so consumers need not worry about sick poultry," she said.

In Chúc Sơn market in Chương Mỹ District a separate area has been allocated for poultry trading, but it has failed to meet safety and hygiene regulations. The area was dirty. Chickens and ducks were locked in a large cage. One pot of boiling water was used for slaughtering all the poultry, and slaughters did not wear gloves.

Hạnh, a poultry seller, said she does not wear gloves when slaughtering poultry. She admitted that sometimes her poultry, as well as other sellers’, were sick. Most were purchased in nearby markets, such as Gốt Market in Đông Sơn Village and Gốm Market in Hữu Văn Commune, she added.

Currently, there are more than 400 markets in the city, including two major markets for poultry - Hà Vỹ in Thường Tín District and Bắc Thăng Long in Đông Anh. In Hà Vỹ market alone, 15-17 tonnes of live poultry are transported from other provinces to the market every day.

Nguyễn Ngọc Sơn, deputy director of the city’s Sub-department of Animal Health, admitted that authorised agencies, local authorities and animal health forces are unable to curb all the slaughtering in local markets because many traders operate on a small scale and move continously to avoid inspectors.

In addition, the fines for violators of between VNĐ2-3 million were light and the enforcement was lax.

Sơn said the sub-department has asked the districts’ veterinary stations to focus more closely on the prevention of bird flu. It has encouraged people to immediately notify the markets’ management boards of poultry without clear orgin transported into their localities.

The sub-department also organise disinfection of the markets.

He added that the Ministry of Industry and Trade is collecting opinions on its draft regulations on food markets. Trading in live cattle and poultry, and slaughtering activities in the markets, would be banned completely under the new regulations.

ThePoultrySite News Desk




<マレーシア> 鳥フル発生も、国民に消費の安全宣言

Broiler Chickens, Eggs Safe for Consumption, Says Veterinary Dept

27 March 2017

MALAYSIA - Broiler chickens and eggs available in the market are safe for consumption, as the products are supplied by the country's authorised chicken breeders and operators, and are certified free from the H5N1 avian flu, the Veterinary Services Department has assured.

It said breeders and operators are constantly monitoring the situation and imposing controls on their birds' movements in their respective states, reports New Straits Times.

"The level of precaution in other states (except for Kelantan), which remain free (of H5N1) is at an all-time high," it added in a statement.

According to the statement, the H5N1 outbreak is currently being contained within a 30km radius of Kampung Pulau Tebu (where the outbreak was detected), and involves six jurisdictions in Kelantan, namely Kota Baru, Pasir Mas, Pasir Puteh, Tumpat, Tanah Merah and Bachok.

"A total of 121 birds and 31 eggs were culled in an exercise at 18 locations yesterday, while three chickens were seized in an inspection on 208 vehicles in the state.

"The culling exercise continues at other locations. In total, 37,862 birds and 15,450 eggs had been culled so far. In addition, 3,602 samples from 613 bird owners have been taken,” said the department.

ThePoultrySite News Desk



<ベトナム> 豚の76%が基準以下の屠畜場で処理:サルモネラ菌汚染豚が30-40%の高率

World Banks Reports on Viet Nam's Substandard Pork Abattoirs

28 March 2017

VIET NAM - Abuse of antibiotics and pesticides in agricultural production and livestock breeding was thought to cause an increased risk of antibiotic and pesticide residues in food, a survey said.

Viet Nam News reports that up to 76 per cent of pork meat sold in traditional markets in Viet Nam are slaughtered in substandard abattoirs. The rate of pork meat infected with Salmonella, a group of bacteria that can cause food poisoning, is estimated at 30-40 per cent.

The data were reported yesterday after a six-month survey conducted by the World Bank in Viet Nam between August 2016 and February 2017 in the two major cities of Ha Noi and HCM City.

The survey found that breeders were using banned substances to raise pigs.

Additionally, abuse of antibiotics and pesticides in agricultural production and livestock breeding was thought to cause an increased risk of antibiotic and pesticide residues in food, the survey said.

According to the World Bank, although Viet Nam has spent much money and mobilised human resources to remedy the problems, policy and implementation are still a way apart.

Therefore, the survey suggested Viet Nam check food hygiene and safety at farms and production places instead of inspecting them at markets and restaurants as it does now. Viet Nam should improve infrastructure, such as markets and slaughter houses, to raise the quality of food hygiene and safety.

Speaking at the survey presentation event, Deputy Prime Minister cum head of the National Steering Committee on Food Hygiene and Safety Vu Duc Dam, said ensuring food safety was a top priority in recent years. He added that surveys and recommendations by international organisations are necessary in helping Viet Nam overcome food safety shortcomings.

Mr Dam said he appreciated the World Bank survey and recommendations. He also said the law on food hygiene and safety had clearly assigned responsibility to three ministries: health, agricultural and rural development, and industry and trade.

Local authorities have also been ordered to improve management and oversight of food hygiene and safety, a task made difficult by the fact that most food is produced on a small scale and in scattered locales, he said. The country has about 35,000 small abattoirs.

ThePigSite News Desk



<中国> 江西省のH7N9鳥フル:今年感染の37人中、13人が死亡

H7N9 Fatalities Hit 13 in East China's Jiangxi

20 March 2017

CHINA - Thirteen of the 37 people infected with H7N9 avian flu have died since January in east China's Jiangxi Province, the provincial health and family planning commission announced Saturday.

The province has stepped up monitoring of the epidemic as well as efforts to halt the operation of live poultry markets and carry out disinfection and quarantine to prevent infection.

The public are advised to avoid contact with dead and live poultry and to seek medical treatment in the event of any suspicious symptoms.

According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission, 79 people died nationwide in January from the virus.

H7N9 is a bird flu strain first reported to have infected humans in China in March 2013. Infections usually occur in winter and spring.

ThePoultrySite News Desk





<中国> 上海市で、“これまでで”!最も厳しい食品安全規則を施行

Shanghai Tightens Food Safety Regulations

20 March 2017

CHINA - A new food safety regulation, said to be the most stringent ever enacted, will take effect in Shanghai on Monday.

The highlights of the new regulation, passed by the local legislature in January, include a higher threshold for market access, a severe crackdown on businesses operating without a license, standardized online food operations and increased penalties.

The previous version of the regulation was issued in July 2011.

Chen Yin, deputy mayor of Shanghai, said during a news conference on Friday that the regulation imposes the strictest market-access standards, but will be enforced with a problem-solving approach to improve supervision of food producers, force all parties involved to carry out their responsibilities and tackle outstanding problems in the food safety sector.

A three-level supervision and coordination mechanism at the city, district and township levels will be set up.

Shanghai also unveiled an action plan on Friday to make it a city whose residents are fully satisfied with the level of food safety.

A total of 14,000 food service licenses had been withdrawn or revoked in 2016, with 163 million yuan ($28 million) confiscated in 7,240 cases involving illegal activity related to food, official figures showed.

A total of 320 suspects have been apprehended, and 129 of them were taken to court last year.

One question being asked by the public in Shanghai is whether Japanese retailer Muji had been selling food affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. Yan Zuqiang, head of the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration, reiterated on Friday that no nuclear-contaminated food has been found in the city.

In a report issued on 15 March - World Consumer Rights Day - China Central Television reported that food from areas affected by the nuclear disaster had been sold on many e-commerce platforms in China and in some brick-and-mortar shops, including Muji.

The city's entry-exit inspection and quarantine department and the administration had intensified their examinations, but no problems had surfaced, Mr Yan said.

He also said that in 2016, food possibly contaminated by radioactive elements, including fruits, vegetables, dairy and aquatic products was a focus of the inspections, but that all the samples that were tested met China's standards.

TheCattleSite News Desk



<中国> H7N9の鳥フル発生で、長沙市で生鳥の取引を禁止

Chinese City Halts Live Poultry Trading

17 March 2017

CHINA - Live poultry trading will cease for three weeks in the central Chinese city of Changsha on concerns over the H7N9 bird flu virus, the local health and family planning commission said Friday.

The ban is effective from Friday (17 March), and aims to prevent the spread of avian flu to humans. All poultry markets have been ordered to be cleaned and disinfected.

A total of 24 infections and five fatalities have been reported in Hunan Province as of February.

February and March are the key period to prevent the virus from spreading, experts have said, adding that more human infections are likely to be reported in Changsha due to frequent population movement in the capital city.

According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission, 79 people died nationwide in January from the virus.

Several provinces have measures to tackle the virus, with live poultry sales suspended in cities in Sichuan, Hunan, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces.

H7N9 is a bird flu strain first reported to have infected humans in China in March 2013. Infections usually occur in winter and spring.

ThePoultrySite News Desk



<韓国> 鳥フル渦で10%値上げ予定のチキン外食に、政府が不当値上げか警告

Govt Warns Chicken Joints About Price Hikes

15 March 2017

SOUTH KOREA - The government yesterday announced tougher measures on chicken franchises planning to raise prices after the outbreak of avian influenza virus caused poultry prices to spike.

Korea Joongang Daily reports that according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the government will consider having chicken chains undergo tax investigation to find out whether their menu price hikes were justified.

“We will ask the National Tax Service to proceed with tax investigations of chicken franchises to see if they took unfair profits by raising menu prices,” the ministry said in a press release Tuesday.

BBQ Chicken, Korea’s biggest chicken chain, said it will raise the price of chicken on its menus by 9 to 10 per cent starting next week.

This raised concerns that other restaurants will take similar measures as BBQ, which is run by Genesis BBQ.

According to the Agriculture Ministry, chicken franchises make contracts with poultry distributors six months or a year before deliveries, so their costs are not affected by the temporary factors such as the AI virus.

“Their prices aren’t heavily affected by rising retail prices,” the ministry added.

Government officials planned to hold a meeting with franchise representatives on Wednesday, but some are not planning to attend.

ThePoultrySite News Desk



<中国> 江西省でまた4人が鳥フルに感染

East China Province Reports New H7N9 Cases

13 March 2017

CHINA - Four more human infections of H7N9 bird flu have been reported in east China's Jiangxi Province, including one fatality, local health authorities said on Monday.

The new cases brought the number of infections in the province this year to 36 and fatalities to 12, according to the provincial health and family planning commission.

The province has increased supervision of local poultry markets.

H7N9 is a bird flu strain first reported to have infected humans in China in March 2013. Infections are most likely occur in winter and spring.

Further Reading

You can visit the Avian Flu page by clicking here.

ThePoultrySite News Desk



<韓国> 鳥フル渦で鶏肉価格が過去30年で最高に:


Chicken Prices Rreach Record High Levels Due to Bird Flu Outbreak

10 March 2017

SOUTH KOREA - Prices of chicken surged to the highest level in three decades, industry data showed Friday, as large numbers of birds were culled following the nationwide outbreak of avian influenza late last year.

The Korea Herald reports that South Korea has culled more than 33 million poultry since the first reported case last November, more than double the previous record of 13.96 million chickens destroyed in 2014.

The producer prices rose 59.2 per cent to 2,690 won ($2.3) per kilogram as of Monday from a year earlier, according to the data by the Korea Broiler Council. The prices are the highest since 1987, when the council was founded.

Consumer prices of chicken, meanwhile, reached 5,710 won per kilogram at major retailers Thursday, up 2.9 per cent from a year earlier, according to figures by the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.

It will take about six months for the stabilization of chicken prices, a council official said, noting the time it takes for chicken farms to have their eggs hatched and raise the bird for the market.

About half of the country's 1,500 chicken farms have yet to secure chicks to raise as they were banned from doing so by quarantine authorities over concerns of the bird flu spreading.





<シンガポール> マレーシアの鳥フル発生には影響されず

Singapore's Poultry, Egg Supply Unaffected by Malaysian Bird Flu Outbreak

09 March 2017

SINGAPORE - Malaysia’s Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) has reported an outbreak of H5N1 avian flu (bird flu) in a village of Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Singapore's Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) has assured the public that poultry and poultry products in the country are safe for consumption.

The current outbreak in Kelantan does not have any impact on Singapore’s poultry and egg supply as the country only allows imports of poultry and eggs from the disease-free zones in Malaysia – Johor, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Selangor and Perak.

It does not import poultry and eggs from Kelantan as it is not an approved source.

AVA will continue to work closely with Malaysia’s DVS to ensure that poultry and eggs imported do not compromise public and animal health.

Measures to keep out bird flu

Nevertheless, in response to the outbreak of bird flu in Kelantan, AVA has stepped up existing measures to prevent the incursion of the disease.

The existing measures include:

·        Importing live birds, poultry and poultry products only from bird flu-free countries and zones

·        Conducting inspection and sampling on imported live poultry and poultry products at points of entry and poultry slaughterhouses

·        Ensuring that local poultry farms and slaughterhouses implement biosecurity measures

·        Conducting regular inspection and surveillance at local poultry farms, slaughterhouses and pet bird shops

·        Conducting regular checks and surveillance on migratory birds as well as common birds such as crows, mynahs and pigeons

·        Monitoring of free-range chickens

AVA has increased surveillance and inspections at various entry points to prevent the incursion of the disease.

It has also alerted local poultry farms to beef up biosecurity measures, such as not allowing non-essential visits to the farms and ensuring that their bird-proofing measures are intact.

While Singapore is free from bird flu, AVA will continue to monitor the situation, and work with stakeholders to prevent bird flu outbreaks in Singapore.



<中国> また広西自治区で2人に鳥フルH7N9が感染

South China's Guangxi Reports Two More H7N9 Cases

08 March 2017

CHINA - Two more human cases of H7N9 bird flu were reported in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Monday, bringing the total number of infections to eight in the region this year.

The two patients, from the cities of Baise and Wuzhou, are in critical condition, said a statement issued by the regional health and family planning commission.

Despite the new cases, the National Health and Family Planning Commission said on Friday that the H7N9 epidemic in the country has been on the decline since emergency measures were taken.

H7N9 was first reported in humans in China in March 2013 and is most likely to strike in winter and spring.

Disease control and prevention experts said the H7N9 virus could not be transmitted from human to human.

Experts recommended people avoid contact with dead and live poultry, buy poultry products with quarantine certificates and not to trust rumors.



<印・米> WTO裁定後、印の養鶏業界が米からのチキンレッグ輸入に強硬に反対

Indian Poultry Farmers Concerned Over Potential for US Imports

23 February 2017

INDIA - The Indian poultry industry has strongly opposed moves to allow import of chicken legs from the United States after India lost its case in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) last year.

The Business Standard newspaper reports that the Indian poultry industry fears a potential for huge imports of cheap chicken legs from the US after India lost its case against US imports at the World Trade Organisation in July last year. The WTO ruling to allow US poultry imports was effectively notified in July 2016, though no imports from US have yet started.

In a letter recently written to the Ministry of Agriculture, the Poultry Federation of India has warned the government that the use of pig fat as a feed by US farmers could create religious disharmony in India.

"We have written a letter to the government highlighting use of pig fat by chicken farmers in the United States. Import of chicken legs, therefore, might create religious disharmony in India. The government should not allow its import from the United States," said Ramesh Khatri, President of the Poultry Federation of India.

Indian poultry farmers have urged the government to create stringent guidelines for imports, Business Standard reports, including a ban on birds slaughtered more than three months ago, full declaration about use of high protein feed and not allowing birds fed with genetically modified (GM) corn and soya.

ThePoultrySite News Desk


<ベトナム・米> 米産牛肉が「ハリウッド級」の扱い受ける:輸入元タオチエン社、国内販売先ロッテマート、イオン、メガマート、Eマート等

US Beef Gets 'Hollywood' Treatment in Viet Nam

24 February 2017

VIET NAM - Working to build and strengthen relationships with red meat buyers in Viet Nam, USMEF collaborated with a major beef importer to conduct a US beef promotion during a Lunar New Year celebration.

The US beef cooking demonstration with “Hollywood Chef” Jack Lee, held at a Lotte Mart supermarket in Ho Chi Minh City, was funded by the Beef Checkoff Programme.

“We partnered with the Thao Tien Company, one of the biggest US beef importers and a major supplier for Lotte Mart, a fast-growing retail chain in Viet Nam,” said Sabrina Yin, USMEF director in the ASEAN region.

“This importer also supplies other large chains like AEON, Mega Mart, E-Mart and a number of smaller retailers.”

The goal, Ms Yin said, was to provide a platform for the importer and retailer to introduce US beef to more consumers – and to present menu ideas and create awareness about US beef through the celebrity chef appearance.

Using social media to draw attention to the event and to the US beef cooking demonstration by Chef Lee, announcements were made on the Lotte Mart Facebook page.

Jack Lee, a Vietnamese-American chef who has lived in southern California for more than 35 years, is often referred to as “Hollywood Chef” by the Vietnamese media because of his background as a private caterer for Hollywood celebrities.

Chef Lee has travelled frequently to Viet Nam in recent years to share his culinary talents with a younger generation of Vietnamese chefs, creating a positive image among consumers, Ms Yin explained.

A number of dignitaries also joined in the celebration. Timothy Liston, deputy principle officer of the US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, joined Agriculture Attaché Gerard Smith and Senior Agricultural Specialist Vo Thanh Kiet at the event. Mr Liston was the guest of honor during Chef Lee’s US beef cooking demonstration.

Chef Lee prepared three dishes using US beef: top blade steak and vegetables, chuck flap steak with salad and classic pan-seared ribeye steaks.

Tasting samples of the US beef dishes were given to Lotte Mart shoppers and guests at the celebration.

Meanwhile, guests were invited to play games and participate in quizzes that helped educate consumers about the quality and attributes of US beef.

“Another of Chef Lee’s strengths is that he develops his demonstrations using simple instructions, so consumers can easily purchase US beef and cook the dishes at home,” said Ms Yin.

TheCattleSite News Desk





<米・日> 米国2016年の豚肉輸出:量ではメキシコ向けだが、金額では日本向けが1

2016 US Pork Exports Show Impressive Progress

24 February 2017

US - At year-end 2016, US pork exports showed impressive progress following a challenging 2015. In 2016, 5.1 billion pounds of pork and pork variety meats valued at $5.94 billion dollars were exported, up 8 percent and 7 per cent respectively from 2015, according to the USDA.

“We saw a strong 2016 for US pork exports, but we still face challenges with increased global competition and a stronger US dollar,” said Becca Nepple, vice president of international marketing for the Pork Checkoff.

“The Checkoff is committed to bolstering its partnership with international customers through additional funding of in-country promotions of US pork with the US Meat Export Federation.”

On average, US pork and pork variety meat exports accounted for 25.8 per cent of total pork production in 2016. Export value returned an average $50.20 per head back to producers.

During 2016, more than 100 countries around the world imported US pork.

·                 The top five markets by volume were Mexico (1.61 billion pounds), China/Hong Kong (1.21 billion pounds), Japan (854.8 million pounds), Canada (452.2 million pounds) and Central and South America (299.7 million pounds).

·                 The top five markets by value were Japan ($1.56 billion), Mexico ($1.355 billion), China and Hong Kong ($1.075 billion), Canada ($798.5 million) and Korea ($365.1 million).

With more pork available in the US, the National Pork Board recently approved an increase of 12.7 per cent in funding for 2017 export market activities. This financial commitment translates into tangible marketing activities that increase US pork exports to emerging and developing markets.

According to Nepple, promotions and marketing activities will focus on displacing other proteins and global competitors and on promoting larger pork cuts.

ThePigSite News Desk



<インドネシア・豪> 豪産生体牛の輸入体重規格を現行350kgから450kgに引き上げ:選畜の手間省き豪側には朗報

Indonesia Increases Weight Limit for Imported Aussie Cattle

23 February 2017

AUSTRALIA - The Indonesian Government has signed off on changes to the maximum average weight of feeder cattle imported from Australia.

The weight limit has been increased from 350 kilograms to 450 kilograms, in a move that will be of huge benefit to northern Australia's cattle industry.

Chief executive of Consolidated Pastoral Company, Troy Setter, said it would definitely allow pastoralists to send a wider selection of stock to Indonesia.

"It'll allow stations in Australia to put more weight on their cattle and reduce a lot of double-handling, which has been adding cost to northern Australia's cattle sector," he told ABC Rural.

Chief executive of the NT Livestock Exporters Association, Stuart Kemp, said the change on weight restrictions was good news for everyone in the supply chain.

"Having the specifications so tight before (a weight limit of 350 kilograms), meant Indonesia were after young, premium animals," he said.

"If you look through the sale results across Australia, feeder cattle in that range are always the premium product, so if you missed that cut off, you then had to find another market and there was a big drop-off.

Source: ABC Rural



<韓国・豪> 鳥インフル猛威、卵不足で豪産卵が韓国到着

First Australian Eggs Reach South Korea to Aid Bird Flu Shortage

14 February 2017

AUSTRALIA - Fresh Australian eggs have cracked the South Korean market, with the first shipment reaching the consumer market, according to the Australian government.

South Korea is a potentially lucrative market for Australian egg farmers, as they have an undersupply after culling hens to manage an avian influenza outbreak.

First Assistant Secretary of the department’s Exports Division, Greg Read, said the department had worked hard to quickly secure the market access when this significant opportunity for Australian egg farmers arose.

“Together, we have agreed market access protocols for fresh Australian eggs into South Korea and made it operational,” Mr Read said. “Industry figures suggest that South Korea is in need of 180 million eggs each week. This market has only just opened for Australian egg producers, with the first shipments from Australian exporters now distributed across the food service industry in Korea.

“This is an example of what can be achieved when two countries work together to deliver a mutually beneficial outcome.

“This is a win for Australia’s $700 million egg industry, with farmers able to help meet this strong demand, and for consumers in South Korea, who get to enjoy fresh Australian eggs.”

“The South Korean Government has applied a Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) of 35,000MT with a zero tariff on eggs until at least 30 June 2017. The temporary measures will enable shell egg exports to enter the Korean market quickly.”

ThePoultrySite News Desk




<台湾> 鳥フル制圧に7日間の鳥類移動禁止措置

Taiwan Bans Poultry Movement to Curb Bird Flu Spread

17 February 2017

TAIWAN - Taiwan's government is banning the transportation of poultry for seven days starting today (17 February) as part of ongoing efforts to contain the spread of bird flu, the Council of Agriculture (COA) announced on Thursday.

Focus Taiwan reports that the ban will not apply to one-day-old chicks or chickens raised indoors and sent directly to slaughterhouses, COA Minister Lin Tsung-hsien said.

Eggs that have been washed or sanitised and certified by COA-contracted veterinarians can also be transported for sale, he said.

Since 6 February, six farms in Hualien, Tainan, Chiayi and Yunlin have been confirmed as having been infected with the highly pathogenic H5N6 avian influenza virus, according to the COA's Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine.

The outbreak of H5N6 has put authorities on high alert because it is both highly contagious and transmittable to humans, Focus Taiwan reported.

Since October 2016, this new A-type influenza has been found at 340 poultry farms in South Korea, resulting in the culling of nearly 33 million birds.

In Japan, 201 wild birds have been confirmed infected with H5N6 over the past three months and the virus has hit 10 poultry farms, resulting in nearly 1.4 million birds being culled.

ThePoultrySite News Desk


<バングラデシュ> 正体不明の疫病で牛40頭が死亡

Bangladesh Livestock Die of Unknown Disease

20 February 2017

BANGLADESH - An unknown disease has killed at least 40 cattle in Kaliganj upazila in the last one week, creating panic among the farmers.

Twenty-two cows and 18 goats were killed by the disease at Pashuram village. Panicked cattle farmers have started selling their cattle at low prices in the local markets.

Farmer Hamidul Islam said the affected cattle first start trembling and then the stomach swells up. An affected cow dies within one and a half hours, while a goat dies within 15 to 20 minutes, he added. “I lost two cows and a goat due to the disease ,” he said, adding that he sold three cows and four goats at low price out of fear of losing those.

Shahjahan Ali said he lost three cows and two goats, adding that he has sent his four cows and six goats to a relative's house in a nearby village.

“My three cows were only my asset, but they died of the disease on Monday night,” said Alamgir Hossain.

Akhtarul Islam said an unknown disease had broken out for the first time in the village in the middle of February in 2015 and at least 12 cattle died then, adding that the disease returned last year at the same time, and at least 23 cattle died. “The disease has come back at the same time, but it is more serious this year,” he said, adding that 40 cattle have already died, and it is continuing.

Source: The Daily Star



<韓国> 米国産牛肉輸入が急増中、コストコが豪州産からアメリカ産に全面切換え

Costco Expansion Provides Even Greater Momentum for US Beef in Korea

20 February 2017

SOUTH KOREA - US beef has been rapidly building momentum in South Korea, and received a further boost this week as Costco officially began converting its imported chilled beef selection from Australian beef to 100 per cent US product.

The move follows a multi-year effort by USMEF to persuade store managers that sales of US beef – a popular item at Costco – would match or exceed Australian beef sales due to revived consumer confidence in the safety of US beef.

Costco currently has 13 warehouses in Korea, with two new locations scheduled to open this year. On 13 February, Costco began transitioning two of those warehouses to 100 per cent US chilled beef. The others will be converted in May.

In total, Costco’s move represents an opportunity for about 15,000 metric tons (mt) of incremental new beef business in 2017, said Jihae Yang, USMEF director in Korea. Yang noted that the theme of US beef promotions in Korea has gradually moved from food safety to consumer enjoyment and product quality.

“While USMEF still reassures Korean consumers that US beef is a safe product, we are now able to focus more on the outstanding flavor of US beef,” Ms Yang said. “Tasting demonstrations at Costco and other popular stores have been very successful in getting consumers to taste US beef and increase awareness of our product.”

USMEF is also providing support to Costco to ensure a smooth transition to US chilled beef, helping re-acquaint customers with the full range of US beef cuts.

“Korean consumers love the high quality of US beef and really enjoy the flavor of our product,” added Dan Halstrom, USMEF senior vice president for marketing. “In Korea, Costco is the gold standard when it comes to imaging food products, especially beef. USMEF, along with our partners in the U.S. beef industry, have been working hard to recapture market share in Korea. We’ve been able to do that, but mostly on the frozen side. The marquee items at Costco are the chilled beef cuts and we finally have that chilled section of the meat case back.”

US beef exports to Korea totaled 179,280 mt in 2016, up 42 per cent year-over-year. Export value reached $1.06 billion, up 31 per cent from a year ago and breaking the previous value record (from 2014) by 25 per cent. Chilled beef exports to Korea totaled 24,572 mt in 2016, up 47 per cent year-over-year, valued at $216.4 million (up 43 per cent).

US beef captured 42 per cent of Korea’s imported beef market in 2016, up from 35 per cent the previous year, while Australia’s market share fell from 57 per cent to 49 per cent. But Ms Yang notes there is still room for further growth, citing pre-BSE data from 2003.

“Prior to the December 2003 market closure, US beef accounted for the majority of imported beef sales in Korea and 49 percent of total sales – including domestic beef,” she explained. “So while US beef has made excellent progress in Korea, the market still holds strong growth opportunities.”

Korea’s per capita beef consumption set a new record in 2016 at more than 25 pounds (product weight), up about 5 per cent year-over-year and increasing by one-third since 2009 – so US beef is not only gaining market share, but also contributing to growth in overall consumption. Korea’s demand for imported beef remains strong, and based on customs clearance data US beef topped Australian beef in Korea’s January imports, continuing a trend that began late last year.

“Regaining Costco’s chilled beef business is a milestone on several fronts,” says Joel Haggard, USMEF senior vice president for the Asia Pacific region. “Not only will US sales soar at this iconic beef retailer, but Costco’s beef merchandising decisions are a bellwether for overall Korean consumer sentiment toward US beef.”

TheCattleSite News Desk





<モンゴル> 国内の放牧業者が厳しい天候(夏の旱魃・厳冬)で家畜に壊滅的な被害

Mongolian Herders Face Dreaded 'Dzud' Losses

17 February 2017

MONGOLIA - Thousands of Mongolian herders face disastrous livestock losses from dreaded severe weather known as the "dzud", the Red Cross said on Thursday in launching an international emergency aid appeal.

Landlocked Mongolia is grappling for the second straight year with losses from dzud conditions - a dry summer followed by bitter winter cold that leaves livestock and other animals at risk of starvation and exposure on the country's rugged steppes.

It threatens tens of thousands of herders in a country where almost half the population depends entirely on livestock for food, transportation and income, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, or IFRC, said.

Cattle, sheep and other animals usually die en masse in the dzud, weakened by insufficient summer grazing that prevents them building up the fat reserves necessary to withstand winter temperatures, which can plummet as low as -50° C.

"In spring, animals give birth and when the livestock are already exhausted from the winter they are at high risk without adequate feed, shelter and veterinarian care, which does not exist in some remote areas of the country," said Nordov Bolormaa, secretary-general of the Mongolian Red Cross.

As of this month, more than 42,000 livestock had already perished in the current dzud, the statement said.

"This figure is expected to grow exponentially in the months ahead when a long harsh spring takes hold after the extremely cold winter," the Red Cross said, adding that more than 157,000 people are "at risk" across 17 of Mongolia's 21 provinces.

Hundreds of thousands of livestock are reported to have died in the 2015-16 dzud.

The relief organization hopes to raise enough to assist 11,000 of the hardest-hit households, including provision of cash grants, first-aid kits, and funds to help communities prepare for future dzuds.

Thousands of Mongolia households lead a nomadic existence as herders amid Mongolia's vast plains and mountains, and recurring dzud conditions are blamed for forcing many into a marginalized urban existence in Ulaanbaatar.

TheCattleSite News Desk



<マレーシア> ブルセラ・ウイルスの人への感染防止で、牛を殺処分

Negri to Stop Spread of Contagious Brucella Virus in Livestock

17 February 2017

MALAYSIA - The Veterinary Services Department has been directed to cull livestock found to be infected with the contagious brucella virus after sick cows were found in three farms.

The virus (brucellosis) can be transmitted from animals to humans when they consume raw milk or cheese or eat semi-cooked meat of the infected animal.

It can also be transmitted through direct contact with infected animal secretions.

Humans who are infected will suffer severe and intermittent fever.

Infected female cows will face miscarriages, decreased milk production, weight loss and infertility.

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan said the culling was to prevent the virus from spreading.

“We believe that local cows were infected by imported cattle.

“We want the department to destroy infected animals immediately to prevent the virus from spreading,” he told reporters after chairing the state exco meeting.

Mr Mohamad said personnel from the department would be visiting more livestock farms in the state to check on the condition of the animals.

Although brucellosis can attack other animals, checks showed that its main threat is to cows and buffalo.

Source: The Star Online



<中国> 10月からの鳥フルの人への感染306件、死亡例100

China's Poultry Industry Needs 'Upgrade' to Contain Bird Flu

16 February 2017

CHINA - China has been struggling with bird flu outbreaks in humans for some time, with poultry markets forced to close in some parts of the country to prevent disease spread.

"The peak of the epidemic seems to have passed, but smaller outbreaks may last into late April," said Ni Daxin, deputy director of emergency response for the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention at a news conference held by the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

During China's worst H7N9 bird flu season, which started in October, the virus had infected 306 people and by the end of January had killed 100 in 16 provinces, including Guangdong, Jiangsu and Anhui.

Mr Ni called for strengthening measures to control the virus, in particular shutting down additional live poultry markets.

Information exchanges helped agricultural authorities determine that H7N9 contamination is concentrated at live poultry markets, not at chicken farms. In the hardest-hit regions, almost half of the remaining live poultry markets were found to have H7N9 contamination, according to officials.

Most cases happened in the south and on the eastern seaboard, Mr Ni said, adding that the main reasons were weather conditions and "the local habits of buying live or freshly slaughtered chickens". In response, regions have shut down live poultry trading and markets as part of effort to contain the outbreak.

But that is only a short-term, emergency measure, Mr Ni said. "The ultimate way out is to upgrade the industry, shifting to large-scale poultry farming and slaughtering."

The closing of live poultry markets has proved effective in slowing the spread of the virus, he said, adding that the public can also help by avoiding live poultry markets or handling live poultry or their droppings.

"If the public buys only frozen poultry, control of the epidemic will be much easier. The nutritional value is equal to that of freshly slaughtered poultry, but it involves far fewer health risks," Mr Ni added.





<中国> 2016年の養豚産業の浮沈:一時は36


The Ups and Downs of China’s Pig Industry in 2016

17 February 2017

CHINA - The price of live pigs in China was marked by many fluctuations throughout the year 2016. Governmental policies had a huge impact on the business of manufacturers, including relocations, which regulations are going to be even stricter in 2017, according to CCM’s research.

Price development

Looking at the price development of live pigs in 2016 in China, the month may represent the peak of price with an amount of $3,771/t. This price is an increase of more than 36 per cent compared to the year 2015 and even 55 per cent to the year 2014. Generally, the price of pigs was higher than the two previous years before from January to July 2016.

In the second half of 2016, the price of live pigs starts dropping in 2016 and even fell under the price of the same period of 2015. The price in 2016 then stayed lower than the price of 2015 the whole second half of the year.

According to CCM, the average price of live pigs in 2016 was able to increase by more than 14 per cent in comparison to 2015, thanks to the very strong rise in H1.


China’s government has shown a strict hand against the manufacturers in the forbidden farming areas of the country. These farming areas are mostly situated in the southern regions of China and the coastal line. Forbidden farming areas have been introduced in the Law of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China from 2015, with a death-line for businesses to leave the forbidden regions until the end of the year 2017.

The traditional pig industry in China consisted normally of small and medium-sized companies, owned and run by individual farmers. Therefore, the monetary possibilities of taking care of the pollution they produced, were close to non-existent. With the new Environmental Law, however, these farmers are now forced to upgrade their waste disposal or withdraw from the market.

CCM has analysed the most important policies throughout the year 2016 regarding live pig farming.

The key results are restraints in several and supported development in other Provinces of China, to control the areas of farming. Also, a strengthened supervision of the pollution sources will be carried out. Measurements to delimit the forbidden areas of livestock and poultry are pointed out. And finally, the discharge fee system will be substituted by an environmental tax system.

Movement of farmers

According to the plan to delimit the live pig farming in southern China, until the end of 2017, many companies and farmers have already moved towards north and west. The movement and investments of big enterprises into the rural areas of China, on the other hand, fills the market gap that was caused by the withdrawal of the small and medium-sized companies from the market, due to the environmental protection law.

The main focus of the developing areas lays in the northeast and the south-west of China. The huge western area of the country is considered as a moderate developing area for the pig industry.

Chinese profits

According to CCM, the rising live pig prices in the first half of 2016 have gained the Chinese manufactures some decent profits. The revenues of most live pig farming companies have shown huge increases, partly up to 96 per cent from the period of January to the September 2016 year on year.

Benefitting from the good development of the pig farming industry, feed companies in China could also get some revenue increases, up to 13.40 per cent year on year in the same period.

ThePigSite News Desk



<中国> 英・独・スペイン・デンマーク産豚肉の中国向け輸出が倍増

China's Appetite for EU Pork Growing

17 February 2017

CHINA - European farmers benefitted from a doubling of pork exports to China in 2016, according to an official industry organization.

Countries including the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Denmark led the list of exporters.

The UK's Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board noted that global pork shipments to the world's second-largest economy reached 1.6 million metric tons.

The board cited the restructuring of the Chinese pig industry as the main reason for the increase in hunger for the product.

The European Union supplied around two-thirds of China's imported pork.

"This was particularly true early in 2016, driven by plentiful supplies, competitive prices and hormone-free production systems," said Bethan Wilkins, an analyst at the board.

But EU farmers are likely to see increasing competition from the United States and Brazil in future. After gaining increased access to the Chinese market, Brazil became its eighth-largest pork supplier last year.

Shipments of pig meat from the UK to China shot up last year, reaching 43,000 tonsa rise of 31 per cent compared to 2015. Pig meat refers to various cuts and products, as opposed the whole pig carcass.

"Higher pig prices in China enabled average unit prices to rise," said Mr Wilkins. "So, the value of these imports was up ahead of volume, almost reaching 50 million pounds ($62 million).

Offal imports were up 72 per cent to 1.3 million tons worldwide, while the EU remained the dominant supplier. Offal shipments from the UK were up 32 per cent, but volumes exported during the final quarter were 9 per cent lower than they were in the same period in 2015.

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board said this was due to increased competition from the US and because of falling UK production.

In the coming year, the board expects Chinese domestic production to increase, which will reduce demand for imports.

Mr Wilkins said: "This will be a concern for the global pork market, as China has been a key outlet in a background of lackluster demand for pig meat in Europe and the US. Unless alternative markets can be found, a fall in demand from China could begin to put pressure on global pork prices this year, particularly in light of the expansion in US production."

ThePigSite News Desk



<韓国> 口蹄疫発生の渦中、輸入ビーフ販売が急増:半面韓牛肉は20%の減少

Imported Beef Sales Rise Sharply Amid FMD Outbreak

13 February 2017

SOUTH KOREA - Sales of imported beef are rising steeply in South Korea as the country has been struggling with foot-and-mouth disease and avian influenza, industry data showed Sunday.

According to the data by leading retail chain E-Mart, imported beef sales rose 12 per cent during the 5-9 February period from a week ago, while those of Korean beef tumbled 19.6 per cent.

The decline came as the fifth foot-and-mouth disease outbreak was confirmed earlier in the day following the first infection on 5 February. Nearly 800 cows have been culled in the past week.

The South Korean government raised the watch level to the highest vigilance in the country's disease control system Thursday, temporarily closing all livestock trading markets across the nation.

Sales of imported pork also jumped 16.9 per cent over the same period, outpacing those of locally produced pork, which gained 5.7 per cent.

"The supply of beef is not yet at risk, but the prices can go up if the situation gets worse," said an official from a discount store.

Source: The Korea Herald





<韓国> 口蹄疫発生後、2週間で豚・牛肉の価格が9-10%上昇

Pork Prices Rise Due to FMD Virus

13 February 2017

SOUTH KOREA - The government has raised the alert for foot-and-mouth disease to its highest level after a fourth farm tested positive, which has caused the prices of beef and pork to rise and further burden Koreans who are already faced with high egg and poultry prices in the aftermath of the recent bird flu outbreak.

According to the Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation on Friday, the prices for beef and pork has risen by 9 to 10 per cent compared to the end of last month.

The wholesale price of hanwoo, a type of premium Korean beef, was at 15,653 won per kilogram ($6.19 per pound) on 31 January. That has risen to 17,242 won as of Wednesday, four days after the foot-and-mouth outbreak began.

The wholesale price of pork has gone up from 4,329 won to 4,757 won during the same period.

The retail price of beef and pork sold at major discount stores has not changed, but the higher wholesales price is likely to be reflected at retail stores next week. One of the biggest retail chains, E-Mart, usually adjusts its meat prices every Thursday.

The bigger concern is the likely impact on pork prices, which are heavily dependent on the domestic market compared to beef. While over half the beef supplied in the local market is imported, roughly 90 percent of the pork sold here is from local farms.

During the nation’s worst outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, between 2010 and 2011, pork prices surged by over 40 per cent.

There have been growing concerns over the impact this might have on average households, which are already facing higher prices of other food products, particularly poultry.

Source: Korea Joongang Daily



<豪・中国> 中国向けの肉牛生体輸出第1便(1,200頭)が出航

Australia Ships First Load of Live Beef Cattle to China

06 February 2017

AUSTRALIA - The first shipment of live Australian beef cattle to China has left Australian shores after nearly ten years in the making.

A shipment of 1,200, mainly Angus cattle, left Portland in Victoria's far west bound for Shandong Province in eastern China.

The cattle were shipped by real estate developer-turned agricultural investor Shanghai CRED which teamed up with Gina Rinehart, Australia's richest woman, in 2016 to buy the Kidman cattle empire.

The shipment suggests that live cattle exports to China will be a major focus of Kidman under its new owners.

Mark Allison, CEO of rural conglomerate Elders which Shanghai CRED has invested in heavily, said the live exports to China would be great for the industry in Australia.

"The opening of feeder and slaughter markets will drive competition and demand for Australian cattle, creating new opportunities for exporters and producers alike," Mr Allison told News Limited on Monday.

Mark Bennett, head of agribusiness for the Australia New Zealand (ANZ) bank, said that during a visit to China late in 2016 he saw the demand for Australian beef was continuing to build.

Bennett said the live exports could see the Australian beef industry grow from a $7billion business annually to a $12billion industry.

He said that the inland city of Chongqing alone was seeking up to 500,000 heads of cattle a year.

Shanghai CRED will reportedly lose money on the first shipment but the company was willing to take the loss in order to kick-start the trade as beef prices in Australia are forecast to fall over the coming months.

TheCattleSite News Desk



<米・日> 安倍首相訪米に先立ち、牛・豚生産者団体がトランプ大統領に、日本との自由・公正貿易交渉開始を要求

Beef, Pork Groups Urge President to Start Trade Talks with Japan

09 February 2017

US - Ahead of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s state visit to the US, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the National Pork Producers Council urged President Trump to begin negotiations on a free and fair trade agreement with Japan.

In a joint letter transmitted to the White House, NCBA and NPPC asked the president “to initiate free trade agreement negotiations with nations in the Asia-Pacific region beginning with Japan. … As you continue to lead America forward, we want to be a resource for your administration for possible strategies in improving existing and future trade agreements for the benefit of our producers.”

Prime Minister Abe will be in Washington Friday (10 February) to meet with President Trump on a number of matters, including security challenges and bilateral trade.

“A successful, comprehensive agreement with Japan would result in one of the greatest trade agreements for the US pork and beef industries and for many other sectors,” said NCBA President Craig Uden, a cattle rancher from Elwood, Nebraska.

Said NPPC President John Weber, a pork producer from Dysart, Iowa, “Securing strong market access to Japan and other Asian markets is a priority for the US beef and pork industries, and we appreciate the president’s leadership and dedication to making our products the most competitive around the world.”

For US beef and pork exports, Japan is the highest value international market. In fiscal 2016, Japanese consumers purchased $1.4 billion of US beef products and $1.5 billion of US pork products. Demand in the Asian nation for US beef and pork is very strong despite Japanese tariffs and other import measures that limit market access for both products.

Under terms of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, Japan’s 38.5 per cent tariff on fresh and frozen beef would have been cut to 9 per cent over the agreement’s phase-in period and would have given the US beef industry parity with Australia in the Japanese market. Japan’s tariffs on pork, which are determined through a so-called gate price system, would have been substantially reduced as part of the TPP agreement.

An analysis by the U International Trade Commission found that beef exports to TPP countries, which included the United States, Japan and 10 other Asia-Pacific nations, would grow by $876 million a year by the end of the phase-in period and that most of the growth would be in trade to Japan.

Likewise, it found that pork exports to TPP countries would grow by $387 million, with most of the exports going to Japan. Nearly 9,000 US jobs would be generated by increased exports of livestock products, according to the US Department of Agriculture’s export multiplier.

You can view the letter by clicking here.

TheCattleSite News Desk





<韓国> 口蹄疫発生で全ての家畜の移動を禁止

Korea Bans Livestock Movement Due to FMD Outbreak

07 February 2017

SOUTH KOREA - The South Korean authority on Monday banned the movement of all livestock for 30 hours across the country as suspected cases of foot-and-mouth disease infection were reported.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs announced the travel ban on all pigs and cows nationwide from 6 p.m. local time (0900 GMT) on Monday to midnight on Tuesday.

Subject to the standstill order will be all of farming households, livestock vehicles and animal feed factories to be cleaned and disinfected during the period.

The move came as a series of infection cases were reported.

On Sunday, a dairy farm at Boeun county, about 180 km southeast of Seoul, reported foot-and-mouth disease contraction.

Another cow farm in Jungeup in North Jeolla province, around 100 km away from the county, also reported a suspected case on Monday.



<韓国> 鳥フル、口蹄疫の相次ぐ発生で、香港向け食肉輸出に大打撃

Livestock Diseases Feared to Hamper Korea's Meat Exports

09 February 2017

SOUTH KOREA - A series of animal and poultry disease outbreaks in South Korea is feared to be a huge drag on the country's exports of meat and other livestock products, industry sources said Wednesday.

In recent years, the foot-and-mouth disease has broken out frequently in South Korea and the country lost the status of an FMD-free nation, while a fresh outbreak of the disease was confirmed at cow farms in early February.

At the same time, the country has been suffering from a rapidly spreading outbreak of avian influenza for months, with about 30 million chickens and ducks culled.

Consequently, its exports of fresh meat are forbidden in principle, but the Seoul government signed separate deals with some countries like Hong Kong to export livestock products.

Nearly all South Korean beef products are exported to Hong Kong, which imported 46 tons of Korean beef worth $3.2 million last year.

However, the recent infection of the foot-and-mouth disease is expected to deal a further blow to the country's outbound shipments of beef.

Source: The Korea Herald



<韓国> 穀物、牛肉、海産物の自給率が急激に低下

Sharp Drop in Korea's Self-sufficiency Rate of Grain, Beef, Seafood

06 February 2017

SOUTH KOREA - South Korea‘s self-sufficiency rate of grain, beef and seafood sharply fell last year as imported food items appealed to consumer tastes with their lower prices and variety of flavors, according to government data on Sunday.

The nation’s self-sufficiency rate of grain, excluding feed for animals, dropped to 48.4 per cent in 2016, from 55.6 per cent in 2010, showed the data by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

South Korea imports most of its animal feed. Including animal feed, the nation‘s self-sufficiency rate for grain stood at just 24 per cent in 2015.

Separate data by the state-run Korea Rural Economic Institute estimated that the nation’s self-sufficiency rate of beef might have fallen to 37.7 per cent last year.

It was the first time in 13 years that the rate of beef fell below 40 per cent.

Last year, South Koreans consumed 362,000 tons of foreign beef.

Australian beef came to 178,000 tons, making up 49 percent of total beef imports. American and New Zealand beef stood at 42 per cent and 6 per cent, respectively.

Australian and American beef accounted for 54.8 per cent of total sales of beef at E-Mart last year, with domestic beef, known as hanwoo, accounting for 45.2 per cent.

South Korea‘s anti-graft law -- which took effect in September last year -- is also adding to the woes of the local beef industry.

Local beef was a favorite gift during major holidays, but has been overtaken by health products, according to major retailers.

In the case of seafood, imported items, mostly Chinese, accounted for about a half of local markets. At E-Mart, imported seafood items accounted for 49 per cent of total seafood sales last year, compared with 20 per cent in 2010.

About 91 per cent and 80.5 per cent of webfoot octopus sold at E-Mart and Lotte Mart each were imported items last year.

Sales of imported cutlass fish and mackerel also gained at the two discount chain stores.

Source: The Korea Herald



<インドネシア> 牛・水牛種畜協会が、インドからの水牛肉の輸入を禁ずる憲法裁判所の決定を歓迎

Breeders Welcome Court Decision on Cattle, Meat Imports

08 February 2017

INDONESIA - Local breeders have welcomed the Constitutional Court’s decision on cattle and meat imports, which they claim will ban buffalo meat imports from India, except in emergency situations.

Cow and Buffalo Breeders Association (PPSKI) chairman Teguh Boediyana said that meat purchased from countries prone to foot and mouth disease (FMD) could only happen during specific occurrences like natural disasters leading to beef shortages.

“The government’s reason for allowing buffalo meat imports [from India] last year wasn’t because of a natural disaster, but merely high beef prices. As it was not triggered by an urgent situation, this means there must be no more [buffalo meat] imports [from India],” he said after the reading of the court’s decision on Tuesday.

However, the Constitutional Court decided to maintain most of the provisions of a judicial review of the 2014 Animal Health and Husbandry Law.

Petitioners, namely breeders, sellers of dairy products and veterinarians, had earlier demanded the court prohibit imports of feedlot cattle and meat from countries prone to FMD.

Source: TheJakartaPost